United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Till he met the ladies of the island he had never said a hundred words to any English person. The Neapolitan aristocracy is a very conservative body, and by no means disposed to cosmopolitanism. To the Panacci Villa at Capodimonte came only Italians, except Emilio.

Harry and Bluebell seemed years younger than herself, a giddy, happy young couple, the very sunshine of whose lives dazzled them too much to see into the depths of hers. One afternoon she had started for a lonely walk. The rest of the party were pretty well disposed of Bluebell driving with Mrs. Rolleston, and the others, she thought were with the General; but it did not much matter.

Different parties take different views of them: the opposition party in the legislature, which is in session, being disposed to censure the government for its reception of us. Thursday, September 12th. Clear, with passing clouds; trade-wind fresh, as usual at this season of the year.

We were assured, toward the end of the year 1831, that 10,000 Indians had already gone to the shores of the Arkansas; and fresh detachments were constantly following them; but congress has been unable to excite a unanimous determination in those whom it is disposed to protect.

King Henry disposed of him in foreign parts, to add practical experience to his speculative studies, and paid for his education out of the king's Privy Purse, as we see by the royal expenses for September 1530.

"I guess you'll help when the time comes," he said, and, clucking to his team, drove off. "I guess I won't," muttered the grizzled old giant as he went on with his work. Bacon was what is called land-poor in the West, that is, he had more land than money; still he was able to give if he felt disposed. It remains to say that he was not disposed, being a sceptic and a scoffer.

The room which the Wanderer occupies is bare of every comfort. But one night Devine said, "Come up and see my pets in bed." The young people were disposed in two absolutely comfortable rooms. Everything was neat and clean, and there were signs even of luxury. "How is this? Squalor below, comfort here," I thought. A little girl who was awake said, "Kiss me, papa, dear."

And as she spoke the tears ran down Arsinoe's cheeks; but she promptly recovered herself, and before Pontius could express his sympathy she went on: "I want to ask of you a favor; let me speak before any one disturbs us." "Speak, my child." "You know Pollux the sculptor Pollux?" "Certainly." "And you were always kindly disposed toward him?" "He is a good man and an excellent artist."

It was easy to see that the man was perfectly able to distinguish, by means of the eye alone, between the people of the two countries, though the eye would sometimes deceive even the most practised judges. As the Speedy was not much in want of men, he was disposed not to lay his hands on any but his own countrymen.

He was full of delight and admiration at what he saw, and did not fail to give the cardinal a favorable account of the little assembly, insomuch that the cardinal, who had a mind naturally inclined towards great things, and who loved the French language, which he himself wrote extremely well, asked if those persons would not be disposed to form a body and assembly regularly and under public authority."