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There were a dozen persons breakfasting at the same time, and I was the only one who did not implicitly believe in the existence of this army. This diseased state of mind arises mainly, I presume, from excessive vanity. No Parisian is able to believe anything which displeases him, and he is unable not to believe anything which flatters his amour propre.

"What shall we do if that wretched beggar won't relent and let me marry you?" says Roger, presently. "Only bear it, I suppose," with profoundest resignation; it is so profound that it strikes Mr. Dare as being philosophical, and displeases him accordingly.

I know that my way of speaking displeases you, vicomte, and I will try next time to do better." "What makes you think that your language displeases me?" asked Spero, laughing. "Because excuse me, vicomte, but sometimes you look so stern "

The Governor however depends on the Assembly for his salary, as he has no fixed allowance, which is voted only from year to year, and if he displeases the Assembly, it votes him no salary for the next year. The Assembly has been for six years on bad terms with the Proprietor and has made no grant for the Governor.

He is a Ghoul with evil eye, permitted for some cause to walk the earth in human form; and is certainly, in some way, connected with your strange destiny. If it requires anything to convince me of the truth of all that has passed, it is his appearance the wretched Afrit! Oh, that I had my mother's powers! but I forget, it displeases you, Philip, that I ever talk of such things, and I am silent."

"And where's the sense of growing corn on the place if we've nowhere to thresh it?" "Ay, 'tis as I say, not a thing as could be but you have it all there in your head." Inger is suddenly out of humour again. The talk between the other two somehow displeases her, and she breaks in: "Cream custard indeed! And where's the cream to come from? Fish it up in the river, maybe?"

De Vlierbeck entered the adjoining room, where he was followed by the farmer, who shut the door carefully. "I hardly dare, sir," said he, "to mention my request; but will you pardon me if it displeases you?" "Speak out frankly, my friend," returned De Vlierbeck, with a smile. "Look you, sir," stammered the tender-hearted laborer. "Every thing that I have earned I owe to you.

The interior of this church, decorated with a great number of columns of granite is exceedingly beautiful; but the building itself displeases, precisely because it reminds us of St. Peter's: and because it differs from it so much the more, from the mere wish of imitation. It is impossible to create in two years what cost the labour of a century to the first artists of the universe.

I don't like Miss Stackpole everything about her displeases me; she talks so much too loud and looks at one as if one wanted to look at her which one doesn't. I'm sure she has lived all her life in a boarding-house, and I detest the manners and the liberties of such places. If you ask me if I prefer my own manners, which you doubtless think very bad, I'll tell you that I prefer them immensely.

This night is kept in lieu of yesterday, for my wedding day of ten years; for which God be praised! being now in an extreme good condition of health and estate and honour, and a way of getting more money, though at this houre under some discomposure, rather than damage, about some prize goods that I have bought off the fleete, in partnership with Captain Cocke; and for the discourse about the world concerning my Lord Sandwich, that he hath done a thing so bad; and indeed it must needs have been a very rash act; and the rather because of a Parliament now newly met to give money, and will have some account of what hath already been spent, besides the precedent for a General to take what prizes he pleases, and the giving a pretence to take away much more than he intended, and all will lie upon him; and not giving to all the Commanders, as well as the Flaggs, he displeases all them, and offends even some of them, thinking others to be better served than themselves; and lastly, puts himself out of a power of begging anything again a great while of the King.