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That's how they sell things." "How could Mrs. Golden sell more things?" Bunny questioned. "She's got lots of things in her store heaps and packs of 'em but she doesn't sell much." "That's the trouble!" said Uncle Tad. "She doesn't advertise, and she doesn't make any window display." "What's a window display?" Sue inquired. "I saw you looking at one the other day," replied the old soldier.

"Prison wards are not proper fields for the cultivation and display of Miss Gordon's amateur kid glove charity. I hope, at least, it was a species of exaggerated high-flown sentimentality, rather than mere feminine curiosity that tempted you to precincts revolting to the delicacy and refinement with which my imagination invested you."

But even the description given by one of her favourites of the sufferings of the seamen was insufficient to induce the queen to open her purse-strings, and the earl left her in great dudgeon; and although his private finances had been much straitened by his extravagance and love of display, he at once chartered a ship, filled her with provisions, and despatched her to Plymouth. Mr.

The only way to account for this apparent lethargic inaction is the assumption that a persevering patience and friendly attitude was expected in time to effectually dissipate all trouble in South Africa, and that a display of anxiety or of force would have frustrated such peaceable tactics.

There, beneath the shadow of those marble walls, where once the sainted Borromeo preached, the cunningest Parisian artists may be found so rich in corn and wine and silk are Lombard plains-modists and mercers, corset-makers, lacemen, skilled so to clothe the limbs of beauty, that every fold shall but display the perfect handiwork of nature, yet add to it the further grace of art.

Thus prepared, she took her seat in the Strangers' Gallery, anxious to witness a display of her husband's eloquence; but he did not speak, and the debate proved without any interest. The female aspirants whose taste was thus excited, were, however, confined to a few blue-stocking belles, without influence to set the fashion; and the attempt did not succeed.

"Because there are laws, I say and I repeat that I will marry her." "You respect nothing!" "Nothing that is unworthy of respect." "And my authority, my will, I am I nothing?" "For me your daughter is every thing the rest is nothing." Pepe Rey's composure was, so to say, the arrogant display of invincible and conscious strength.

Everything united in him; good understanding, correct opinions, knowledge of the world, and a warm heart. He had strong feelings of family attachment and family honour, without pride or weakness; he lived with the liberality of a man of fortune, without display; he judged for himself in everything essential, without defying public opinion in any point of worldly decorum.

Young Haldane took the reins with a great show of solicitude and vigilance, appearing to dread another display of viciousness from the mare, that was now most sheeplike in her docility; and thus, with his confiding victim, he jogged along through the crowded street, the object of general approval and outspoken commendation.

'No, no, she whispered, glancing over her shoulder at the door. 'No; it is my daughter. Ah! senor, you can scarce imagine what it is to live upon a volcano! And she pointed to the oaken floor with her fan. Sir John deemed it wise to confine his display of sympathy to a glance of the deepest concern. 'No, he said; 'it is merely a personal matter.