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Engle is in there, and O'Connor and a lot more that have been under cover. 'Lisha is goin' a mile this morning. Better catch him when he breaks. He's off!" Whatever Jockey Moseby Jones thought of his orders, he knew better than to disobey them.

"I saw you coming up the hill. Will you take wine?" "To your health, sir!" "To your health!" The lieutenant set down the glass and wiped his lips. "I have orders, Mr. Jardine, which I may not disobey." "Exactly so, Lieutenant." "My duty, therefore, brings me in at your door though of course I may say that you and your household are hardly under suspicion of harboring a proscribed rebel!

Solomon would not disobey his parents and eat green apples, not even when they were ripe enough to knock off with a stick, but he had such a longing for them, that he pined, and passed away. If he had eaten the green apples, he would have died of them, probably; so that his example is a difficult one to follow. In fact, a boy is a hard subject to get a moral from.

The freebooter durst not disobey, for the army of the Prince was now so near him that punishment might have followed; besides, he was a politician as well as a robber, and was unwilling to cancel the interest created through former secret services by being refractory on this occasion.

And yet it is no more strange for a man to disobey habitually the laws of character, and then to suffer for his disobedience, and wonder why he suffers.

Boys give promises very easily, but they as easily forget them." "But I am not like those others. When I give my word I keep it." "We shall see. In case you do disobey, you will be the one to suffer, not anyone else." "Why?" "Because boys who do not listen to their elders always come to grief." "I certainly have," said Pinocchio, "but from now on, I obey."

Who the devil were all these people, to pry into his affairs and doctor him and dose him and form secret leagues to disobey him, and hide decanters from him? Why should anybody have the impertinence to meddle with him? Of what concern to them were his vices or his virtues?

"And I have promised you that I will not disobey you. If you tell me that I am never to see Mr. Lopez again, I will not see him." "You are a good girl. You were always a good girl." "But I think that you ought to hear me." Then he stood still with his hands in his trowsers pockets looking at her. He did not want to hear a word, but he felt that he would be a tyrant if he refused.

He says I can have a bob a week pocket-money, and you're to give it to me, and he'll owe it to you at the end of the term. I'd like the first now, please." "Go immediately to your room," shouted Railsford, as near to losing his temper as his future brother-in-law had ever seen him. "How dare you disobey me?"

"We shall charge upon you, then," said Jussac. "if you disobey." "There are five of them," said Athos, "and we are but three. We shall be beaten, and must die on the spot, for on my part I will never face my captain as a conquered man." Athos, Porthos, and Aramis instantly closed in, and Jussac drew up his soldiers.