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He could scarcely understand this leniency; he had expected a vigorous prosecution of Mortimer; had almost dreaded its severity. Personally he had no taste for it; still, he would feel insecure if the suspected man, undeniably guilty, were to remain permanently in the bank. His dismissal from the staff was a wise move, tempered by unexpected clemency.

The tears came to her eyes, for the invitation to visit the Hunter-Nelsons was one for which she had angled skilfully, and its summary dismissal was a sore trial to her. In a moment Ruth was at her side, all contrition: "I'm sorry, Aunt Clara; I know I'm a disappointment to you. I'll try " Mrs. Nelson withdrew her hand and directed her injured reply to Carter. "I have done my duty by your sister.

In the house, certainly, some changes were made; idlers and dependants met with summary dismissal; among them two old women were made to suffer, one blind, another broken down by paralysis; and also a decrepit major of the days of Catherine, who, on account of his really abnormal appetite, was fed on nothing but black bread and lentils.

After his dismissal from headquarters Zherkov had not remained in the regiment, saying he was not such a fool as to slave at the front when he could get more rewards by doing nothing on the staff, and had succeeded in attaching himself as an orderly officer to Prince Bagration. He now came to his former chief with an order from the commander of the rear guard.

Final dismissal of Mrs. Ridge and Miss Annett. Meanwhile, strange enough the relief that he felt because the body was actually removed from that wood.

For when Rutherford's two great troubles came upon him, first his dismissal from the Latin regency in Edinburgh University, and then his banishment from his pulpit at Anwoth, John Fleming came forward on both occasions with money, and with letters, and with visits that were even better than money, to the penniless and friendless professor and exiled pastor.

She felt that she had done right in attempting to chastize Jimmy Singleton; and she would do it again under the same circumstances. "Is it necessary to talk?" she questioned, coldly. "I am not sorry for what I did. I suppose you have come to notify me of my dismissal." "On the contrary, I have come to assure you that you did what was right exactly what I would have done," smiled Warden.

Do you think that will do?" he added, a little anxiously, as he fancied his grandmother's gaze rested on him with some dissatisfaction. She did not reply, only drew out her purse from her pocket, and Roy knew this was a signal for his dismissal. "Now," said Mrs. Bertram, "this is the sovereign that I usually give you. I hope you will spend it wisely.

The wise but moderate qualifications with respect to property, required in the members of the primary assemblies and the electoral assemblies, again conferred political importance on the middle class, to which it became imperatively necessary to recur after the dismissal of the multitude and the abandonment of the constitution of '93.

"He is the more arrogant," said he, "on account of Machault's dismissal, which leaves the field clear for him, who has more experience, and more talent; and I fear that he will, therefore, be disposed to declare war till death."