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When we reached Panj-kiang we felt that our motor troubles were at an end, but ten miles beyond the station my car refused to pull through a sand pit and we found that there was trouble with the differential. It was necessary to dismantle the rear end of the car, and Coltman and Gup were well-nigh discouraged.

"The servants of Philip of Tyre are without," he said. "Shall they enter?" "They have come for the furnishings," Costobarus answered. "Take thou all the household but Momus and Hiram, and dismantle the rooms for them. Begin in the library; then the sleeping-rooms; this chamber next; the kitchen last of all. Send Hiram to the stables to except three good camels from the herd for our use.

The schooner now returned the fire with the whole broadside, apparently twelve pounders; but they did not throw so far as our long thirty-two-pounder, and no shot went over us, although one fell close under the stern. At the distance, therefore, that we were, we had everything in our favour and my object was to dismantle the schooner before any chance enabled the brig to assist her.

But Lord Howard of Effingham, the lord high- admiral of the English fleet, judged more wisely that the danger was not yet passed, and, as already mentioned, had the moral courage to refuse to dismantle his principal ships, though he received orders to that effect.

After the first excitement of arrival was over, the Eskimos built igloes on the shore and settled down to dismantle the vessel and take possession of her stores, and of all that could be of use to them. They built an elongated oval igloe on the shore as a store to receive the lighter and, as they esteemed them, more valuable articles.

Push this roll, dig, dismantle, overturn, ruin everything! It was the collaboration of the pavement, the block of stone, the beam, the bar of iron, the rag, the scrap, the broken pane, the unseated chair, the cabbage-stalk, the tatter, the rag, and the malediction. It was grand and it was petty. It was the abyss parodied on the public place by hubbub.

All of them already enjoy, to varying degrees, unfettered, largely duty-free, access to the EU. To belong, a few like Estonia would have to dismantle a much admired edifice of economic liberalism. Most of them would have to erect barriers to trade and the free movement of labor and capital where none existed.

"O. K.," chuckled Jerry, as the Drifter shot far out of reach of their deluded confederates. "Do your level best, Jerry," spoke his father. The revenue men may have another airship in commission." "Oh, I guess not," retorted Jerry airily. "Say, what about the one these fellows had?" "They know and won't tell. Some of crowd will find it, though I told them if they did to dismantle it.

At any rate, van Manderpootz was impressed. "Well!" he rumbled. "I almost missed you, Dixon. I was just going over to the club, since I didn't expect you for an hour. You're only ten minutes late." I ignored this. "Professor, I want to use your uh your subjunctivisor." "Eh? Oh, yes. You're lucky, then. I was just about to dismantle it." "Dismantle it! Why?" "It has served its purpose.

We were to go through the country as speedily as possible, for a great battle was expected. Trelawny's instructions were to capture certain towns and cities that lay in our way, to dismantle the fortresses, and to parole their garrisons. We could not encumber ourselves with prisoners, and so marched the garrisons out, paroled them, destroyed their arms, and bade them disperse.