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Just then the sick man stirred in his sleep, and he said disjointedly: "I'll make it all right to you, Hume." Then came a pause, and a quicker utterance: "Forgive forgive me, Rose." The factor got up, and turned to go, and Hume, with a sorrowful gesture, went over to the bed. Again the voice said: "Ten years I have repented ten years I dare not speak " The factor touched Hume's arm. "He has fever.

One seemed to be tossing in a boat, the other hung down the vessel's side by a ladder. I made out, disjointedly: "Along in September as soon as you return all will be in readiness two thousand Creeks, Chickasaws, Natchez we ought to have no difficulty Yvard Spanish ships. The fall of Biloxi will be a great thing for us." And much more that I could not hear clearly.

And she began telling him everything, hurriedly, disjointedly, exaggerating the facts, inventing many, and so prodigal of parentheses that he understood nothing of it. "Come, my poor angel, courage! Be comforted! be patient!" "But I have been patient; I have suffered for four years. A love like ours ought to show itself in the face of heaven. They torture me! I can bear it no longer! Save me!"

Maybe I'm old yet but I ain't dead yet und I could fight " The words came disjointedly, mere punctuation points to his wild sparring. It was plain that Irish, furious though he was, was trying not to hurt Patsy very much; but it took four men to separate them for all that.

Then, very disjointedly, and in a manner which could scarcely be set down here, Major James Agar told his singular story. There are thank heaven! many such stories still untold; there are, one would be inclined to hope, many such still uncommenced. As a nation we may be on the decline, but there is something to go on with in us yet. Once when the narrator paused, Dr.

Then, rather disjointedly, and with many interruptions, the girls told the story of the afternoon and evening, for it was now nearly nine o'clock. Of course Mr. DeVere and Mrs. Dalwood were much worried when they learned what had happened, and the widow was not at her ease when she thought of her son still not out of danger. "But I'm sure he will soon be back," declared Alice, confidently.

We tried to map out excursions for the morrow; we puzzled over French "guides to Paris"; we talked disjointedly in a vain endeavor to make head or tail of the wild chaos of the day's sights and experiences; we subsided to indolent smoking; we gaped and yawned and stretched then feebly wondered if we were really and truly in renowned Paris, and drifted drowsily away into that vast mysterious void which men call sleep.

As these thoughts and feelings swept disjointedly through his busy head word was sent out to him that he might see the district-attorney. The office he stepped into was curtain-draped and carpeted, and hung with framed portraits, and strewn with heavy and comfortable-looking leather arm-chairs.

"I never thought of it just like that before. I guess that's one way to look at it." The knock shook the back door before Michaels could say anything. The door opened and Doc Candle slithered in disjointedly, a rolled-up stretcher over his shoulder. "Hello, boys," Candle said. "A terrible accident, it brings sorrow to us all. Poor Nancy. Has the family been notified?"

Yet, when litters of blankets and rifles tied together had been fashioned and attached to the pack-saddles of tandem burros, as he was lifted into place for the return he seemed to understand that he was starting on a journey; for he said, disjointedly: "Don't forget Wrath of God and Jag Ear is thirsty and bury Wrath of God fittingly give him an epitaph!