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Before inspecting the plan, I wish it to be carefully examined and discussed by the committee on buildings, so that I may have the assurance that the sum of sixteen millions will not be exceeded. I do not wish an ideal residence, but one constructed for my own enjoyment, and not for the pleasure of the architect alone.

Miss Locke had greatly aged since her illness; her hair was much grayer, and her face was sunken, and I doubted whether she would ever be the same woman again. Mr. Hamilton and I had already discussed the sisters' future. 'I am afraid they will be terribly pinched, he said once. 'Miss Locke is suffering now from years of overwork. She will never be able to work as hard as she has done.

Brown, flat-nosed men in loose clothing gathered in groups and discussed their affairs in a strange singsong tongue and high- pitched voices.

"As this is a very private matter," said he, "it will be better to treat of it in a more private place I pray you therefore to come into my chamber, where these things may be more conveniently discussed." "You hear what my Lord says," cried Leoninus, turning to his companions; "we are to withdraw into his chamber."

The newspapers discussed little else than the alleged moral laxity of Grant, Garfield, and Blaine. If the press were taken seriously, politics turned on jobs, and some of Adams's best friends, like Godkin, ruined their influence by their insistence on points of morals.

It was on these occasions that I as a child first heard German and Italian music discussed, and learnt that any one who wished to ingratiate himself with the Court must show a preference for Italian music, a fact which led to very practical results in our family council.

There remained the endless marches and countermarches of the Peers between their House and the hall: for as often as a point of law was to be discussed, their Lordships retired to discuss it apart; and the consequence was, as a Peer wittily said, that the Judges walked and the trial stood still.

The President thought that his daughter was playing a practical joke on him and told her to "tell that to the Marines," and went on about his shaving. When the President and I discussed the visit of his daughter, Margaret, to notify him of his reelection, he informed me that he was just beginning to enjoy the reaction of defeat when he was notified that the tide had turned in his favour.

"Affairs in Mexico," Sixty-fourth Cong., First Sess., Sen. Doc. No. 324. Martin, "Latin America and the War," pp. 13-15. In the foregoing chapters we have discussed the origin and the more important applications of the Monroe Doctrine. There remain, however, certain general aspects of the subject which require special consideration.

This was becoming recognized; the University's difficulties only emphasized what had become a general opinion. Accordingly the sections of the new Constitution of 1850 relating to the University were thoroughly discussed in the Convention; with the result that certain new provisions were incorporated which gave the University of Michigan a unique standing among state universities.