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The other disciples were wandering to and fro, on the look out, and ready to fly at a moment's notice. Jesus walked up to the soldiers and said in a firm and clear voice, 'Whom seek ye? The soldiers answered, 'Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said to them, 'I am he. Scarcely had he pronounced these words than they all fell to the ground, as if struck with apoplexy.

The teachings which Jesus is reputed to have given to his disciples breathe the same exaltation. He who was so tolerant to the world outside, he who contented himself sometimes with half adhesions, exercised toward his own an extreme rigor. He would have no "all buts." We should call it an "order," constituted by the most austere rules.

"And seeing the multitudes he had compassion on them: because they were distressed and lying like sheep that have no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples: the harvest indeed is great but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he send labourers into the harvest." The Divine Master cannot but hear the prayer asking Him to send "labourers to the ripening harvest."

And more striking and various, perhaps, than all the other classes of the Frate's disciples, there was the long stream of poorer tradesmen and artisans, whose faith and hope in his Divine message varied from the rude and undiscriminating trust in him as the friend of the poor and the enemy of the luxurious oppressive rich, to that eager tasting of all the subtleties of biblical interpretation which takes a peculiarly strong hold on the sedentary artisan, illuminating the long dim spaces beyond the board where he stitches, with a pale flame that seems to him the light of Divine science.

This is a text, that as to matter of fact cannot be contradicted by any, for the text saith plainly they did so, the disciples then came together to break bread, the disciples among the Gentiles, did so. Thus you see that the solemnizing of a first day to holy uses was not limited to, though first preached by the church that was at Jerusalem.

Thanks to this gift, pertaining only to Koresh, his followers could "enjoy the bliss of heaven upon earth"; for the Kingdom of God upon earth was near at hand, and Koreshism was preparing the way for its disciples. But what had to be done in order to attain the higher degrees of salvation?

On the opposite page, domestic treasures disciples of Carlyle, apparently, with a passionate love of work for its own sake are seeking situations, not so much with the desire of gain as with the hope of finding openings where they may enjoy the luxury of feeling they are leading useful lives.

Before the kiss was given, Jesus still received him with the old name of Friend; but, after being stung with it, He could not keep back the annihilating question, "Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?" The kiss was the sign of discipleship. In the East, students used to kiss their rabbis; and in all likelihood this custom prevailed between Christ and His disciples.

And afflicted with woe they spent that night taking water alone as their sole sustenance. Certain Brahmanas belonging to both classes, viz., those that maintained the sacrificial fire and those that maintained it not, who had, with their disciples and relatives, out of affection followed the Pandavas thither also passed the night with them.

There is one favour that we humbly solicit thee to grant us. Hearing these words of theirs, the regenerate Rishi answered them, saying, 'Ye sons, tell me what that boon is which ye wish I should grant you! Hearing this answer of their preceptor, the disciples became filled with joy.