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He had keen grey eyes that looked you in the face in utter, disarming frankness. He was always immaculately dressed. He talked continually about money, and about how people abused his confidence and his trust in men. But there was a sharpness like pointed needles in the pupils of his eyes that betrayed his true nature.

"She seems to have a way," smiled the Senior Surgeon, "she seems to have a way of disarming people's unpleasant intentions." A trifle quizzically for an instant the woman turned her face to the Senior Surgeon's.

It takes a woman to bother about that." With this straight shot he left her, laughing back at her as he descended in a way that went far toward disarming her, though she would not at once admit it.

The cunning, the presence of mind of the young dog! One can hardly credit it; but it's his own explanation, he has confessed it all. And what a fool I was about it! Well, he's simply a genius of hypocrisy and resourcefulness in disarming the suspicions of the lawyers so there's nothing much to wonder at, I suppose! Of course people like that are always possible.

"You are kind to listen to me," Magsie answered with disarming sincerity. "I know it is a strange thing to do." She laughed nervously. "Of course, I know THAT!" she added. "But it came to me that I would the other day. Greg and I were talking about dreams, you know things we wanted to do. And we talked about going away to some beach, and swimming, and moonlight, and just rest and quiet "

"Let us not wholly forget," said West, with his disarming smile, "my hope to add substantially to the endowment." But he marked this trustee as one likely to give trouble in the future, and hence to be handled with care. He was a forthright, upstanding, lantern-jawed man of the people, by the name of James E. Winter.

"You must have laid the writing very close in the safe to the other papers. Hadn't you better give Hudson another chance before you fire him?" His disarming smile robbed both the criticism and the suggestion of any offense they might otherwise have had. In the end he persuaded Cunningham to withdraw his discharge of the clerk. "He doesn't deserve it," James grumbled.

It is not America, menaced with internal ruin from the attempts to plant Jacobinism instead of liberty in that country, it is not America, whose independence is directly attacked by the French, the enemies of the independence of all nations, that calls upon us to give security by disarming ourselves in a treacherous peace.

Leland was to suffer death at the stake at an early period, while the negro was to be reserved until some indefinite time in the future, to be tortured. The hunter had completely succeeded in disarming his enemies of every suspicion.

Pennington, pacing uneasily back and forth, glanced at the music on the piano rack. "Oh, stay at home, my heart, and rest, Home-keeping hearts are happiest," it admonished her. In this disarming atmosphere she began to feel herself the victim of some wretched dream. Yet here in her bag was Margaret Elizabeth's note, found awaiting her on her return from Chicago an hour ago.