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While the first line of defence, the tenants, held good, the world went pleasantly for the Ireland of yesterday. But when that line broke, and starvation burst in, then the best men and women in the big houses flung their all into the common stock, and went under as did the chief of the Martins in Connemara. That, however, happened the day before yesterday; yesterday saw nothing so dire.

Walraven closed the door, locked it, strode back, and stood glaring down upon his wife with folded arms and fiercely shining eyes. "Well, madame?" "Spare me, Carl." She held up her arms in dire affright. "Forgive me, my husband." "Never!" thundered Carl Walraven "never! you base, plotting Jezebel! The fate you allotted to Mollie Dane shall fall upon yourself.

"True," said Josiah, leaning out of the window, "and there are footsteps in the tall grass yonder," pointing westward, where his keen eye perceived a fresh path broken in the meadow. "I must follow Oliver to the roof; this will be a dire blow to him, as he thought his prisoner so carefully guarded."

He was warned that he would be "shakenoff and givenup," and terrified at the prospect of so dire a fate he read a confession of his sorrow and repentance, and promised to "keep a guard over his tongue," and also to listen to Mr. Bellamy's preaching, which may have been a still more difficult task. Mr.

It was of gold, but to me more precious than the most prized of all metals. Unto you I will shew it when I am permitted to see your faces, and to converse with you freely. Till that earnestly wished-for time, I bid you farewell." One result of the alchemical modes of expression was, that he who tried to follow the directions given in alchemical books got into dire confusion.

To a person of his simple and honourable nature, it seemed a preposterous and unheard of thing that any man calling himself a gentleman should find it possible to sink so low as to take such advantage of a woman's dire necessity and honourable desire to save her father from misery and her race from ruin, and to extract from her a promise of marriage in consideration of value received.

Rather, it is my purpose to tell something of the lives of the fishermen, the style of their vessels, the portions of the rolling Atlantic which they visit in search of their prey, their dire perils, their rough pleasures, and their puny profits. First, then, as to their prey, and its haunts. The New England fishermen, in the main, seek three sorts of fish the mackerel, the cod, and the halibut.

You two are the only ones in the world who can understand what it means when I say that. It has always been so, ever since I was big enough to know what Alleghenia meant, and more than ever since I have come to understand her shame, and her vital peril, and her dire need. I've never tried to explain the feeling; I've never found any one who seemed to share it with me.

She said good-naturedly that it was hard being married to most any man, until you got used to it. Sadie shook her small head and showed her large teeth. "I'll show him," she said, "that he can't wipe his feet on me! An American woman won't stand what he's used to." Adelle suspected dire things, physical violence even, and was silent.

Michael Angelo told the musician to tell Piero, but the latter was too frightened to obey. A few days later he came again to Michael Angelo, this time pale and shaking with fear, and said that Lorenzo had appeared to him a second time, had repeated what he had said to him before, and had threatened him with dire punishment if he dared again to disobey his strict command.