United States or Poland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Secretary of the Navy had hastened to approve officially the act of Captain Wilkes, commander of the "San Jacinto," and Secretary Stanton "cheered and applauded" it. Even Mr. Seward, cautious and conservative diplomat as he was, at-first "opposed any concession or surrender of the prisoners." But Lincoln said significantly, "One war at a time."

If we should succumb under the united efforts of imbecility, of pro-slavery treason, of Anglo-Franco-European and of American perjury, then Ultima coelestis terram Astræa reliquit. Oct. 25. Only two or three days ago, in a conversation with a diplomat, Mr. Seward asserted that both the extreme parties will be mastered that is, the secessionists and the abolitionists. So Mr.

The monocle did not move from its orbit, but a light ripple of surprise appeared to cross its luminous convexity. The doctor hastened to reply. "The count is an illustrious diplomat who is now on leave, regaining his health. He has traveled a great deal, but he is not a sailor." And she continued her explanations. The Kaledines were of a Russian family ennobled in the days of Catherine the Great.

He told me that he had three hundred and sixty-five, a new one for every day. He would come on deck every morning, display his fresh necktie, and receive a compliment upon its color and appropriateness, and then take from his pocket a huge water-proof envelope. From this he would unroll his parchment appointment as a diplomat, and the letters he had to almost every one of distinction in Europe.

She knew that Chauvelin must be lying in wait for her somewhere, ready to seize the first possible opportunity for a TETE-A-TETE. His eyes had met hers for a moment after the 'fore-supper minuet, and she knew that the keen diplomat, with those searching pale eyes of his, had divined that her work was accomplished. Fate had willed it so.

"In that case," she had retorted, "you should feel thankful that you are not a diplomat, Mike. You have your points, but tact and logic are not among them, you know!" Sir Roland always mounted me when I stayed at Holt Manor in the hunting season, and already I had enjoyed two capital days' sport.

As I learned this from a reliable source, I halted and encamped, that the empress should know where to find me, and sent to summon you immediately. I had not been here three days, when the empress's ambassador, Baron von Thugut, appeared to make offers, and consult about an armistice of two weeks. If the Austrian diplomat comes a second time, you can negotiate with him."

His tone was extremely gracious, but he displayed none of the enthusiastic excitement which Thorpe perceived now that he had looked for. The equanimity of Marquises, who were also ex-Ambassadors, was evidently a deeper-rooted affair than he had supposed. This elderly and urbane diplomat took a gift of thirty thousand pounds as he might have accepted a superior cigar.

The trap was laid for this diplomat. The others could have been found later on." "Oh, you didn't do a thing, I guess," laughed Shaw as the two turned up the acclivity, planning to keep some distance in advance of the party behind. "Say, do you think this third man recognized Scoby as a person he had seen in the Cameron building? What? That might be one reason for marching the two off."

Her husband, Councilor to the British Embassy at Constantinople, charged her with misconduct, and had cited two co-respondents, Hadi Bey, a Turkish officer, and Aristide Dumeny, a French diplomat, both apparently men of intellect and of highly cultivated tastes, and both slightly younger than Mrs. Clarke.