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He has shown that by making Francisco Alvarez virtually a prisoner, also, and you have a powerful advocate in the Señor Pollock, the great merchant, and I may add the great diplomat, also." "How long do you think we will be kept in here?" asked Shif'less Sol, looking around at the room, which, though wide, was by no means so wide as the forests of Kentucky.

"Nonsense, monsieur; you know perfectly well His Majesty is not in Dornlitz." "The Duke of Lotzen and the American Archduke, then." She laughed. "Very likely; very likely, indeed!" "Mademoiselle is pleased to ridicule." "And monsieur is pleased to affect ignorance." "Of what?" I asked. "When did your Knaveship come to Dornlitz?" "Very recently." "You must be a very stupid diplomat."

What did the General tell you, cousin? What did he say? What news did you give him about Ibarra?" Seeing that the cousin hesitated in his reply, she went on, directing her words to Captain Tiago. "Believe me, if they convict him, as is to be hoped, it will be through my cousin." "Señora, Señora!" protested Linares. But she did not give him any time. "Oh, what a diplomat you have turned out to be!

In 1809, a diplomat writes: "The French system, which is now triumphant, is directed against the whole body of great states," not alone against England, Prussia, and Austria, but against Russia, against every power capable of maintaining its independence; for, if she remains independent, she may become hostile, and as a precautionary step Napoleon crushes in her a probable enemy.

Van Derwater had also risen to his feet and with the utmost courtesy listened to Selwyn's outburst. More than ever there was a mystic atmosphere of the Past in his bearing. He might have been a diplomat of the sixteenth century bidding adieu to a thwarted enemy plenipotentiary.

But he could not always control his violent and passionate nature; and however much a man of the world and diplomatist he might be, still there were moments when the fanatical priest got the better of the man of the world, and the diplomat was forced to give way to the minister of the church.

It would make a very painful impression in all circles. The experienced diplomat did not disguise from himself the fact that the duke would complain, and with reason, that all this exposure should have been made on the first day of the stranger's appearance rather than at this inopportune time. There remained nothing for it but to be silent and await developments.

The names of other men for whom she had imagined that she cared were nothing to her. But this one man lived in her heart in death as he had done in life. Many have written of Catharine as a great ruler, a wise diplomat, a creature of heroic mold.

In order to succeed, and you ought to be able to succeed, since you have the immense advantage over the lover in knowing the character of your wife, and how she is most easily wounded, you should, with all the tact of a diplomat, lead this lover to do silly things and cause him to annoy her, without his being aware of it.

Why did they release her last night, if they were fearful of her communicating to the French Ambassador the loss of the letter? And why should they take her again this evening? It was all unreasonable; yet reason does not prevail against a hunch even to a reasoning man, who is also a diplomat. He sauntered along the gay corridor bowing to those he knew.