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That conception, as is apparent from the letters already printed, was not the Wilsonian conception. Probably no American diplomat was more aggrieved at the President's definition of neutrality than his Ambassador to Great Britain. But the President's famous emendations filled him with astonishment and dismay.

Andy took her by her plump, chiffon-veiled arm and piloted her to her seat, and he afterward tipped the porter generously and had his own belongings deposited in the section across the aisle. Then, with the guile of a foreign diplomat, he betook himself to the smoking-room and stayed there for three quarters of an hour.

I remember perfectly well to-day the profound veneration with which this excellent man spoke to me of one of his former professors of Soreze, whom he called Don Ferlus; and I must have had a defective memory indeed had I forgotten a name which I heard repeated so often. My Saxon friend was named M. Gentz, but was no relation of the diplomat of the same name attached to the Austrian chancellery.

"Convert you?" she laughed over her shoulder to me. "He wouldn't take the trouble to try." And I believe, indeed, he would not. His strong social nature was evidently superior to any ambition of his cloth. He would have made a famous diplomat but for the one quality of devotion that was lacking.

Little attention was paid to the play going on by Paul, who kept up a running conversation in English mixed with French, with the charming girl at his side, but wily diplomat that he was, he got in an occasional remark to her mother in German. At the close of the performance, Paul offered his arm to the young lady, while the Austrian officer took the mother in tow.

He had heard at the beginning of the winter that she was at Petersburg with her sister, the wife of the diplomat, and he did not know whether she had come back or not; but he changed his mind and did not ask. "Whether she's coming or not, I don't care," he said to himself. "So you'll come?" "Of course." "At five o'clock, then, and not evening dress."

For you I am only Adelheid von Wallmoden. I am married; you know that." "Yes, married to a man who is standing on the threshold of old age; who does not love you, and for whom you could feel no love even if he were younger. What does that cold, calculating diplomat know of love? The Court, his position, his advancement, is all in all to him; his wife is nothing.

Yet the immense interests which they represent, of really primordial concern to Germany, without which so many of her people would be actually without food, are for the diplomats and the soldiers quite secondary ones; the immense trade which they represent owes nothing to the diplomat, to Agadir incidents, to Dreadnoughts; it is the unaided work of the merchant and the manufacturer.

"Then you expected to be turned out?" "Sooner or later." "Why?" Again that word! To him it was the most tantalizing word in the language. It crucified him. "Why?" she repeated, her eyes soft and dreamy. "As I have said, I am not a prince. I am only a consul, not even a diplomat, simply a business arm of my government. My diplomacy never ascends above the quality of hops and wines imported.

His Excellency answered, but his tone conveyed to the lady's instinct that he personally would not wish to know them. "But you know the name, do you not?" "Yes, I have heard the name; there are many families called Fujinami in Japan." "Are they very rich?" "Yes, I believe there are some who are very rich," said the little diplomat, who clearly was ill at ease.