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Clarke looked round and nodded; Jimmy stared, unable to smile because his mouth and lower jaw were working, and he had no superfluous force to spare for polite efforts; and Jenkins uttered a gruff, "Good day, sir." "How are you, Jenkins?" returned Dion, in his most off-hand manner. Then he jerked his hand at Jimmy with an encouraging smile, went over to Mrs.

Then resolutely he picked the book up. At the beginning, after some blank pages, there was a portrait of Sir Richard Burton. Dion looked at the strong, tragic face, with its burning expression, for a long time. Then he stretched himself on one of the divans and began to read the book. Down below, in the villa, Mrs.

After he had left his mother, and was just going out of the flat, Dion had heard through the half-open door a sound, a ridiculous sound, which had made him love her terribly, and with the sudden yearning which is the keenest pain of the heart because it defines all the human limitations: she was sneezing again violently.

Jimmy, too, helped to make things go easily. The young rascal, a sturdy, good-looking boy, with dark eyes brimming over with mischief, took tremendously to Dion at first sight. "I say," he remarked, "you must be jolly strong! May I?" He felt Dion's biceps, and added, with a sudden profound gravity: "Well, I'm blowed! Mater, he's almost as hard as Jenkins."

She inoculated him with Welsley, or at any rate did her best to inoculate him, secretly praying with all her force that the wonderful preparation might "take." Soon she believed that it was "taking." It was evident that Dion was delighted with Welsley.

But Dion's conjecture that the tears sparkling in Helena's eyes when she entered their room at dusk were connected with another resident of the capital, spite of his wife's indignant denial, appeared to be correct; for, a short time after, clear voices were heard in front of the-house, and when a deep, hearty laugh rang out, Dion started up, exclaiming, "Gorgias never laughs in that way, except when he has had some unusual piece of good fortune!"

The rendezvous was in the island Zacynthus, where a small force of not quite eight hundred men came together, all of them, however, persons already distinguished in plenty of previous hard service, their bodies well trained and practiced, and their experience and courage amply sufficient to animate and embolden to action the numbers whom Dion expected to join him in Sicily.

Scarcely on my account. She can hardly expect Dion at so late an hour. Even while I am rejoicing in the sight of her beauty, some new misfortune may be impending." So ran the current of her thoughts while her daughter was gaily describing what she had witnessed at her grandfather's.

"He's a nice old chap." "Yes, isn't he? But what did you really think?" "About the nose?" "Yes." "The lamp was turned rather low, but I really believe the modified pledge has " "There! What did I say?" she interrupted triumphantly. "I knew you'd notice the difference. It's really very much like yours or mine now, and I'm sure " But here Dion broke in decisively.

He could venture to do this; he knew the Ephebi there was no traitor in their ranks. Dion, the former head of the society, had been welcomed like a beloved brother risen from the dead, and he had the gratification, after so long a time, of turning the scale as speaker in a debate.