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There was also a certain young foreigner, a diplomatist, who, like Sant' Ilario, was reading a paper, most probably in search of an idea for the next visit on his list. Giovanni suddenly came upon a description of a dinner and reception given by Del Ferice and his wife. The paragraph was written in the usual florid style with a fine generosity in the distribution of titles to unknown persons.

He undid his instrument carefully, tuned its strings tenderly, and soon found that his former facility, such as it was, had not ebbed away beyond recovery. Hastening back as he came, he was just in time for his dinner, and narrowly escaped encountering Betty in the transe.

There were some of her men friends present, and I saw a smile go 'round. I found out, after a bit of questioning, that several people have bought this place during the last twenty-odd years. And it was always on the market again, after a trial. "'Well, the chaps started to bait me a bit, and offered to take bets after dinner that I'd not stay six months in the place.

There are more than a dozen shops in Paris where this mode of procuring a dinner is practiced, chiefly in the back streets abutting on the Pantheon.

When any newcomer attended the meeting, who did not know the rule that each person must bring his own dinner with him, Mr. and Mrs. would invite him to their house, "just to make him feel at home the first time"; and they did it in such a way that the visitor did not feel that he was receiving any grace from their hands.

Western wished this thing or the other. The answer had always been that the master wished the paths and the shrubs and the flowers to be just as she wished them. But now not a word was spoken. For an hour she walked among the paths, and then returned to her own room. Would she have her dinner in the dining-room? If so, the master would have his in the library.

"If you have any soup ready, you know, Mrs Barber, it might save ten minutes, for we might have it while the fowl was browning." See how necessity had nerved her! But in truth she had a splitting headache, and would have given anything to have been alone. The dinner was a success.

They must mean something." "Something!" echoed Mrs. Bartholomew. "Just imagine, that we are to gather in a company of cripples round our dinner table! Send out and ask all the forlorn creatures we can find, and feed them on game and sweetbreads. It looks like it!" "And give up entertaining our friends," added Mrs. Laval. "What friends do we entertain, aunt Zara?" David asked.

"I'm expecting the dressmaker." "Where are you going to-night?" "Dinner and theater. It's a party, or I'd ask you." "What did you do yesterday and the day before, and the days before that?" Eleanor laughed indulgently, and acquainted Carley with a record of her social wanderings during the last few days. "The same old things over and over again! Eleanor don't you get sick of it?" queried Carley.

Jack, who did not understand the irony of his temporary rescue, and had little experience of commercial integrity, so called, was intent on fulfilling his part of the understanding with Carmen. This could best be effected by a return dinner to the Hendersons. The subject was broached at breakfast in an off-hand manner to Edith.