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The others tramped behind the queer vehicular conveyance, without respect of persons; only poor Captain Dinks being allowed a seat in the boat, while it travelled on land, and that only by reason of his helplessness and inability to move without assistance. When they had to take to the water, of course, the jolly-boat would have to carry more passengers.

"Not a doubt of that," said Captain Dinks laughing. "I was almost half- frozen in the mizzen rigging; and as for poor Frank Harness, when he came off the fore-scuttle, where he was stationed all night to pass the word from the look-outs forward, he could hardly move his limbs!

Dinks looked defiantly about the room. Her keen black eyes saw every body, and involuntarily every body looked at her except her father. He seemed quite unconscious of any new-comers. Alfred's heavy figure dropped into a chair, whence his small eyes, grown sullen, stared stupidly about. Mrs.

"Considering I have been in the royal navy all my life, and left the service with the rank of commander," said Mr Meldrum quietly, not a whit angered by the captain's somewhat reasonable indignation, "I think I am something of an authority on the point. But, don't let us argue that matter now, Captain Dinks.

Newt hysterically weeping, and May pale with terror. Alfred Dinks laughed, foolishly, and gazed about for sympathy. Gerald Bennet drew his wife's arm within his own. The old man sat quietly, only turning his head toward the noise, and looking at the struggle without appearing to see it. Finding himself mastered, Abel swore and struggled with drunken frenzy.

"Very probably," said the other; "but then, the ship has had a good deal of straining the last day or two, besides from the storm in the Bay of Biscay." "Ah! she felt that," replied Captain Dinks. "That's what, no doubt, weakened the rudder and made it go so easily this morning; but I'll call the carpenter."

I want you to promise to make an effort to do better; will you?" "Yaw; I dinks not efery dimes dot I does much better as nefer vos; vot doesn't you dinks not apout it, eh-don't it? Yaw!"

No better opportunity could be asked in case they were not discovered by the lads to fire down upon them. "I've been dinking of dot," replied Otto, when the matter was mentioned; "and I dinks dot iss de tree yonder, and py gracious dere is an Indian 'mong de limbs!" This startling declaration was the truth.

Mr McCarthy, too, and Adams showed themselves equally as capable as Captain Dinks in lending a hand and encouraging the crew Frank Harness being not one whit behindhand either; so that, within a very few minutes after the consternation which the catastrophe had caused on its first happening had passed away, all, recovering that equanimity habitual to sailors in almost any predicament or calamity, were engaged in carrying out the orders given them, as coolly as if the Nancy Bell were snug at anchor in some safe harbour.

The smaller sticks lying near made it look as if the trunk served to help the squaw of Man-not-Afraid-of-Thunder, when she was breaking or cutting wood for the wigwam. Be that as it may, the heels of Otto struck it and he went over on his back, with hat and gun flying and shoes pointed upward. "I dinks dot vos a pig vine," he said, clambering to his feet and shaking himself together again.