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"I think I have a conscience, only it doesn't always act," Beth answered disconsolately. "Very often, when I am doing a wrong thing, it doesn't accuse me; when it does, I stop and repent." She was sitting beside the dining-table, balancing a pencil on her finger as she spoke. "Look at you now, Beth," her mother ejaculated, "utterly callous!" Beth sighed, and put the pencil down.

Meanwhile Miss Lavinia, oscillating between the kitchen and the opposite room, prepared the dining-table in the latter chamber. "Look at Ma," whispered Lavinia to Bella when this was done, and they stood over the roasting fowls. "Only suppose," returned Bella, "that poor Pa was to sit bolt upright in another corner." "My dear, he couldn't do it," said Lavvy. "Pa would loll directly.

She, being in the nature of a goddess, little Jon was satisfied; especially when, from under the dining-table at breakfast, where he happened to be waiting for a mushroom, he had overheard her say to his father: "Then, will you tell 'Da, dear, or shall I? She's so devoted to him"; and his father's answer: "Well, she mustn't show it that way.

Then the Young Gent would go out and spread 40 cents around among the tradesmen for a mess of water-lilies and a bag of peanut brittle. The lilies of the valley were to put on the dining-table so mother would be pleased, and with the peanut brittle he intended to fill in the weary moments when he and his little geisha girl were not making goo-goo eyes at each other. But nowadays it is different.

Your lighter boxes of family papers went up-stairs into a Barmecide room, that always had a great dining-table in it and never had a dinner, and where, even in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty, the first letters written to you by your old love, or by your little children, were but newly released from the horror of being ogled through the windows, by the heads exposed on Temple Bar with an insensate brutality and ferocity worthy of Abyssinia or Ashantee.

These carpets then became their pictures, framed in felt side-strips, on which people sat, slept, and transacted business. At meals the centre is covered with a cloth, on which the dishes are placed; and I think the carpet is regarded similarly as a well-polished dining-table was in the West in olden days, when the cloth was removed at the end of the courses.

It was just like sweeping a few crumbs off the table in an argument on strategy. In another hole to which the general took me was the officers' mess about as large as a suburban bathroom. At the end of the dining-table the captain was shaving himself, and laughed with embarrassment at our entry. But he gave me two fingers of a soapy hand and said "Enchante" with fine courtesy.

At six o'clock in the evening, Grainger was seated at one end of the rough dining-table in the "Digger's Best" with some papers laid before him, At the other end was Dick Scott, and the rest of the men sat on either side, smoking their pipes, and wondering what was in the wind. Grainger did not keep them waiting long.

And when the pretty sideboard and work-table had been thoroughly rubbed and set up, and all the little knick-knacks arranged on the mantel-piece when the white curtains were hung at the windows, and the chairs and dining-table each in its proper place in relation to the piano, our parlor was pronounced "magnificent."

'I only came back last night, you know, he said; 'and the truth o't is, I had as much as I could carry. He turned to the Squire. 'Well, Dornell so cunning Reynard has stolen your little ewe lamb? Ha, ha! 'What? said Squire Dornell vacantly, across the dining-table, round which they were all standing, the cold March sunlight streaming in upon his full-clean shaven face.