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'Why didn't you come before? 'I don't know, mum. 'Didn't Sabina tell you I wanted you? 'No, mum. She told me you wanted to know how many were down stairs, and I counted seventeen. 'Take care Dinah, you're spilling that milk! 'I can't help it, this pitcher leaks. 'Where's the children's bowl? 'I don't know, mum I think it's broke. 'Broken! Why, I bought a new one yesterday.

"My lady, the old woman Dinah, who went to nurse her, never came back till to-day; that is the reason I couldn't hear any more news until to-night." "Well, well, well? Your news! Out with it, girl!" "My lady, she is dead and buried!" "Who?" "The young woman, my lady. She died on Saturday. She was buried to-day." Berenice sank back on the sofa and covered her face with her hands.

The journey the day before and the outdoor exercise in that day's frosty air had given every one an excellent appetite, and the appearance of the table at the end of the feast showed that the skill of Aunt Dinah and her assistants had been amply appreciated. After dinner came apple-toddy and eggnog, and the great ovation to the Christmas good cheer was at an end. But the festival was not over.

Herrick is quite aware of his own cleverness, and that he rather prides himself on being original and out of the common. Oh, I mean nothing unkind," as Dinah looked rather grave at this. "I like him exceedingly. I should be an ungrateful wretch if I did not," she added to herself.

"Education!" echoed Mrs Bosenna in a high tone of contempt and with a half vicious dig of her carving-fork into the breast of a goose that Dinah had browned to a turn. "Education! You know enough, I hope, to tell the Board to get rid of their latest craze.

Next to Bessy, just within the church door, there were the Poyser children, peeping round the corner of the pews to get a sight of the mysterious ceremony; Totty's face wearing an unusual air of anxiety at the idea of seeing cousin Dinah come back looking rather old, for in Totty's experience no married people were young.

But with all my responsibilities just now " She concluded the sentence with a sigh, and held open the gate, warning him to beware of the wet paint. "You see, there is so much to be looked after on a farm. One can never trust to servants or at any rate not to the men kind. Dinah is different; but even with Dinah " Mrs Bosenna let fall another, slightly fainter, sigh.

By boat we could transport her most gently of all; and tonight, upon the rising tide, it might well be done, if the need should become more pressing." "A good thought! a happy thought indeed!" cried Lord Desborough. "But art thou sure that thy good kinsmen will have room within their walls? They may have befriended so many." "That is like enow," answered Dinah; "I have thought of that myself.

"You're worse," interrupted her mistress severely. "You never ought to know anything about such words, and it's a revelation to me wherever you managed to pick them up." Dinah smoothed her apron. "I can't think neither," she confessed, and added demurely, "It could never have been from the old master, for I'm sure he'd never have used such." Mrs Bosenna wheeled about, her face aflame.

"Well, honey, ef yo' makes a cake as good as yo' ma, den yo' will suttinly be a fine cook," returned Dinah. "Fo' yo' ma is suah a prime cake-maker!" "Oh, I don't suppose the cake will be as good as mother's," said Nan, "but still I'll never learn if I don't try." So Nan began her cake. Flossie and Freddie were playing out in the yard, but when they saw Nan in the kitchen, in they came, running.