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Thus, in the case of hydrogen, it diminishes up to 0.642 mm., 845 millionths; it then rises as the exhaustion proceeds, and at 0.00065 mm., 8.6 millionths, it requires as high a potential as at 21.7 mm., 28.553 millionths. At 0.00137 mm., 1.8 millionth, the current from 11,000 cells would not pass through a tube for which 430 cells sufficed at the pressure of minimum resistance.

Herbert Spencer's explanations. An internal power necessary, as shown by facts of comparative anatomy. Of teratology. M. St. Hilaire. Professor Burt Wilder. Foot-wings. Facts of pathology. Mr. Dr. William Budd. The existence of such an internal power of individual development diminishes the improbability of an analogous law of specific origination.

A. Because the radical humidity of a tear and of urine are of one and the same nature, and, therefore, where weeping doth increase, urine diminishes. And that they are of one nature is plain to the taste, because they are both salt. Q. Why do some that have clear eyes see nothing?

Before the discovery of Hesperornis, the definition of the class Aves based upon our knowledge of existing birds might have been extended to all birds; it might have been said that the absence of teeth was characteristic of the class of birds; but the discovery of an animal which, in every part of its skeleton, closely agrees with existing birds, and yet possesses teeth, shows that there were ancient birds which, in respect of possessing teeth, approached reptiles more nearly than any existing bird does, and, to that extent, diminishes the hiatus between the two classes.

You have to meet the doubts and suspicions of those who are unacquainted with them, the opposition of interested parties, and the general feeling which influences all men to let well enough alone. It diminishes accidents, by bringing home the responsibility directly upon individuals instead of the corporation." There is a great deal of significance in this last remark.

The earlier the wound is disinfected the greater is the possibility of diminishing this risk. If cleansing is carried out within the first six hours the chance of eliminating sepsis is good; with every succeeding six hours it diminishes, until after twenty-four hours it is seldom possible to do more than mitigate sepsis. (J.

It is claimed that it is formed by four streams descending from these mountains, and the Spaniards have named it San Juan. Where it falls into the gulf, it has seven mouths, like the Nile. In this same Uraba region the continent diminishes in size in an astonishing manner, and it is said that in places its width is not more than fifteen leagues.

All through the year we go on and on in the eddying whirl of business. Money comes and goes, circulates, attracts other money, vanishes; and the fortune of the firm, like a slippery, gleaming snake, always in motion, expands, contracts, diminishes, or increases, and it is impossible to know our condition until there comes a moment of rest.

This diminishes the rush of blood and nerve currents to the inflamed organ and thereby eases but does not suppress the inflammatory process and the attending congestion and pain.

"As there is but one God in heaven," he was wont to say, "so there should be but one ruler on earth"; and this one universal ruler he himself aspired to be. A European army necessarily diminishes in force and its existence becomes more and more imperilled as it advances from its base of operations into a foreign and hostile country.