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Like his oracle, the sage Montesquieu, he thought, 'Who assembles the people causes them to revolt. He took fright at the manifesto, as he was pleased to dignify the simple programme in this morning's 'National, and so, early in the sitting, it was announced that the reform banquet was utterly prohibited by M. Delessert, Préfect of Police, on the express injunction and responsibility of M. Duchatel, Minister of the Interior, by and with the advice of M. Hebert, Minister of Justice."

A stratagem is therefore thought of to discover what force and terror could not, and the stratagem such as no king or minister would disdain, to get at an important discovery. If you call that stratagem a TRICK, you vilify it, and make it comical; but call that trick a STRATAGEM, or a MEASURE, and you dignify it up to tragedy: so frequently do ridicule or dignity turn upon one single word.

He, therefore, who in his practice of portrait painting wishes to dignify his subject, which we will suppose to be a lady, will not paint her in the modern dress, the familiarity of which alone is sufficient to destroy all dignity.

The boat is not far off." "Boat!" exclaimed my mother, "must we then go to sea?" "Not exactly," replied Firebrand, with a light laugh, "unless you dignify Portchester Creek by that name.

She had invited everybody to tea, a meal which in her little household represented a compromise between her appetite and Nellie's. She had felt that in the small festivities of the Billingsfield Christmas season she was called upon to do her share with the rest and, being a simple woman, she took her part simply, and did not dignify the entertainment of her four friends by calling it a dinner.

The name equally signified the city of Cosmo, or the city of all nations, and the vanity of the Medici had probably been flattered by the double meaning of the appellation. But Bonaparte certainly revived the old name, and did not add a letter to it to dignify his little capital. The household of Napoleon, though reduced to thirty-five persons, still represented an Imperial Court.

He sought not to efface sorrow by forgetfulness, but to magnify and dignify it by hope. He said: "Have a care of the manner in which you turn towards the dead. Think not of that which perishes. Gaze steadily. You will perceive the living light of your well-beloved dead in the depths of heaven." He knew that faith is wholesome.

The only alloy that could mingle with such complete success must be the fear that it was too perfect ever to come again; that his fame had then reached the meridian point, and from that consummate moment must date its decline. Of this remarkable Speech there exists no Report; for it would be absurd to dignify with that appellation the meagre and lifeless sketch, the

Know your object, that it is worthy the highest endeavor of a human being, and then pursue it with a divine enthusiasm that no obstacle can daunt, an ardor that no weariness can quench. Then it is you will begin to live. There is no life in worry. Worry is a waste of life. They dignify life above worry. Worry is undignified, petty, paltry.

It has nothing to do with him and his people; on the contrary, it announces the break-up of the traditional industries by which he lived, and the disintegration of the society of which he was a member. It follows that a certain suggestiveness which used to dignify the home pursuits of the village is wanting to them now.