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"But, mother," argued Susie, "I couldn't guess he was going to be so naughty, could I?" "You didn't try to guess," said Tom resentfully; "and now you are trying to make mother think you are better than me. You wouldn't hem our sails or dig with us. We had to do something." "And now you want me to quarrel," said Susie. "Mother, I want to explain."

"Well, old 'coons, they've got pretty sharp claws sometimes, ain't they, Don?" continued the old trapper. "And in the excitement a dog can't always just defend himself, eh, old fellow! They will get a dig in once in a while, spite of us." Don barked three times, just as if he understood every single word his master was saying. "And how about Ajax?" Bandy-legs continued.

The only agricultural implements, however, which the natives possess are of the rudest description; that with which they dig their potatoes being merely a wooden pole, with a cross-bar of the same material fixed to it about three feet from the ground.

"Here," I said, and stood at a nice right angle from the corner of the house and the old cedar-tree he had said he could nail the wires to to save a post, when he had to put up a fence. He came over promptly with the spade and poised it to dig into the ground and my heart. Then he hesitated, and looked at me quickly for a second.

Can you get another attachment against him for about fifty thousand dollars?" "It's risky!" And Collaton looked about him furtively. "It's easy enough to fake an old note for money " "You must not say 'fake' to me. I will not countenance any crooked business." "To dig up an old note for money I am supposed to have borrowed and spent " "Not supposed."

This is one of the inventions of the war, the non-ricochet shell. One may easily imagine how greatly superior are the shells that dig to those that strike the water and then glance. Then comes the cry: "Torpedo!" All see it, a white streak upon the water, circling from the outer rim of shell-fire on a wide arc, so as to allow for the speed of the battleship.

Who that mother was, or rather had been, no one but Hutter knew. She had now been dead two summers, and, as was stated by Hurry, she had been buried in the lake; whether in indulgence of a prejudice, or from a reluctance to take the trouble to dig her grave, had frequently been a matter of discussion between the rude beings of that region.

"What is your husband's contract with Gungadhura? May he dig for gold anywhere? He is digging now, isn't he, close to the British fort on the 'island' in our territory that fort with the flagstaff on it that can be seen from Gungadhura's roof? He is wasting time!" "He has found a little vein of gold," said Tess, "that will likely lead to a bigger vein." "He is wasting time!

Gee, but what is the matter with the dog?" added the old man, as the dog jumped up on all fours, looked cross-eyed, and tried to dig a hole in his stomach with his hind leg. "O, no, we shall never stay home much more," said the Bad Boy, getting up on a barrel and pulling his feet up to get away from the dog, which was beginning to act queer.

"Regular jerry-builders they must have had in those days," growled Dig, scrambling up the last few yards; "did you ever see such rotten walls?" Arthur confessed he hadn't; but having gained the top, he forgave the builders. Rarely had Dig and he been so pleased with themselves and one another.