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'Oh, well, I just said' hesitation 'I said he was to come back again to-morrow. 'My father doesn't know that he's been here? There was apprehension in the whisper. 'Not a soul knows but meself. 'Ye didna tell him I'd been looking for him, Jeanie Trim? 'Na, na, I made out that ye didna care whether he came or not. 'But he wouldna be hurt in his mind, would he? I'd no like him to be affronted.

To be sure, young Bannister laid his head on the table an' greeted like a bairn, an' Calder was all for callin' on Steiner at two in the morn an' painting him galley-green; but they'd been drinkin' the afternoon. Lord, how they twa cursed the Board, an' the Grotkau, an' the tail-shaft, an' the engines, an' a'! They didna talk o' superfeecial flaws that night.

Poyser, in a soothing tone, as he himself turned to go upstairs. "You didna mean to be late, I'll be bound, but your aunt's been worrited to-day. Good-night, my wench, good-night." The Two Bed-Chambers

I had wrought nane to speak o' for ten years before, and my hands were quite oot o' use. I made but a puir job o' it. The first week I didna mak aboon half-a-crown; and that was but a sma' sum for the support o' a wife and half-a-dozen hungry bairns. Hooever, I was still as simple as ever; and there wasna a wife in the countryside that was a bad payer, but brought her web to Nicholas Middlemiss.

The factor rushed at him, his heavy whip upheaved and the same moment found himself, not in the room, but lying on the flower bed in front of it. Malcolm instantly stepped out, locked the door, put the key in his pocket, and turned to assist him. But he was up already, and busy with words unbefitting the mouth of an elder of the kirk. "Didna I say 'at ye sudna come in, sir?

"Ye shud hae thought on all that before ye accepit a ride home wi' young Lance, wi' a coat ye didna own on your back, and disobedience in your heart. 'Tis the worst of them a' ye chose to escort ye, Hope, and if he thought he could safely presume to gi' ye a present like yon piano, ye hae but yersel' tae blame for it." "He didn't give it!" cried Mary Hope, her eyes ablaze with resentment.

'Foxes are very mischievous, Edward said mildly. 'Mischievous! Hazel flamed on him like a little thunderstorm. 'Mischievous! And who made 'em mischievous, I'd like to know? They didna make theirselves. 'God made them, Edward said simply. 'What for did He, if He didna like 'em when they were done? 'We can't know all His reasons; He walks in darkness.

'Maybe ye did and maybe ye didna see him, replied Kirsty; 'but that disna metter sae muckle, for he's aye seem you; and ye'll see him, and be sure 'at ye see him, whan the richt time comes. 'Ye div think that, Kirsty? 'Ay div I, returned Kirsty, confidently. 'I s' wait, answered Steenie, and in silence followed Kirsty along the gallery.

"If he hadna a pock o' peppermints but it wesna that wiled Elsie's hert. Na, na, dogs and bairns can read fouks' faces, and mak nae mistakes. As sune as a' saw Lachlan's een a' kent he wes a new man. "Hoo has it come about? That's easy tae guess. Sax months syne Lachlan didna ken what father meant, and the heart wes wizened in the breist o' him wi' pride an' diveenity.

A loose strand blew across her tanned cheek, so that she reached up absently and tucked it behind her ear, where it would not stay for longer than a minute. "I am sure I didna know you would be here," she said, without taking her eyes off the valley. "It is a view I like better than most, and I have a right to ride where I please.