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"I sank back in the chair in fair bewilderment, for I didna ken at that time, as we a' ken now, that she was thinking o' the earl when I was thinking o' her son. Dominie, it looked to me as if the Lord had opened a door to me, and syne shut it in my face.

So now he was very angry. His look was like a lash as he said: 'You made that up to get rid of me. 'I didna! cried Hazel, trembling. 'But oh! Mr. Reddin canna you leave me be? There's Ed'ard reading the many mansions bit to old Solomon Bache, as good as gold, and you'd ought to let me bide along of the old lady and knit. 'I'll give you something better to do than knit soon.

It's a wonner he didna think shame to come to me. But he cam to beir my shame. Robert wondered at her words. She talked of her sin with such a meek openness! She looked her shame in the face, and acknowledged it hers. Had she been less weak and worn, perhaps she could not have spoken thus. 'But what am I aboot! she said, checking herself.

"The minister was here the other day." "And you didna tell us!" "Well I'm telling you now." And in a little he had told the whole story, shamefacedly, but quite honestly. Katie did not say that she thought the minister had been hard on him thought it for a while. However, Davie did not think he had been hard, she could see, and no harm was done.

"I should ha'e it holled at me if I didna," snorted Morel. "What a story!" exclaimed his wife. "An' is it goin' to be wasted?" said Morel. "I'm not such a extravagant mortal as you lot, with your waste. If I drop a bit of bread at pit, in all the dust an' dirt, I pick it up an' eat it." "The mice would eat it," said Paul. "It wouldn't be wasted."

He traveled about, listening to the ballads of the country folk, gathering tales, storing his mind with memories of people and places. "He was making himself a' the time," said a friend who went with him, "but he didna ken maybe what he was about till years had passed. At first he thought o' little, I daresay, but the queerness and the fun."

"There's Gowrie's shepherd lost a wee lambie among the hills not lang syne, and when Gowrie asked him, when he came home, why he didna look about among the heather for it, he said he couldn't leave the rest, and that it was a puir sick beastie no' worth much trouble.

Some things I seemed to understand at the time; but most that he said I didna understand, and I have forgotten it all now. I don't believe I could tell even the text." "Oh, yes, you could," said Effie. "`Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Don't you mind?"

But, Cousin Elsie, I didna expect to be treated to a meal o' livin' creatures in your house." "Did you not?" she returned with a smile. "Life is full of surprises." "And grandpa and Ned go on carving without any apparent thought of the cruelty of cutting into living creatures," laughed Zoe.

The brave old woman grew white herself as she asked, but she stood between Katie and the rest, that none might see. "I ken nothing, grannie, only grandfather didna bide to the meeting to-day, Ben told me." "Didna bide to the meeting? Where went he, then? He has only just come home." "It was because of Jacob Holt," Ben said.