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He made the most of it, and informed them how, as he wriggled free of his bonds, he heard the officer commanding the firing party call upon Dick Swinton three times, as upon the preceding victim. Each time, there came Dick's angry refusal, in a loud, defiant tone. Then, as he ran, there was the ugly volley.

There was something, too, stirring in Dick's mind of which he said no word. In the letter of his father, certain sentences had caught his eye, and on his way up to London they recurred to his thoughts, as, indeed, they had more than once during the evening before.

What interest could Miss Valdés have in a spy and a cheat?" he drawled negligently. The young woman flushed, made as if to speak, then turned away abruptly. She touched her pony with the spur, and as it took the outside of the slanting, narrow trail, its hoof slipped on loose gravel and went over the edge. Dick's arm went out like a streak of lightning and caught the rein.

The young millionaire pulled open the gasolene throttle to the full limit and set the sparker to contact at the best advantage. The result was at once apparent. The aircraft shot ahead in a wonderful fashion. The others evidently put on full speed, for they, also, made a little spurt. Then it was "all over but the shouting," as Larry said. Dick's machine swept on and soon distanced the others.

"You don't ask my silence, but I'll promise it you except in one contingency," and here he wrung Dick's hand again. "Should I hear of any marriage after what you have said, I shall certainly think it my duty to interfere." When Dick came out the day seemed to have grown dark to him; the sky was all covered with threads of black; he could scarcely see his way.

"Now, you young whipper-snapper," he continued, addressing Barney, "perhaps you've had enough. Let me tell you, it's time for you to quit fooling, or, by the Eternal, I'll send you to sleep!" As he spoke he closed his teeth with a savage snap. "Will you say you're a liar?" said Barney, facing his opponent again, and disregarding Dick's entreaties and warnings.

Forsythe spoke thus of her son. It was not the first time since her injury that she had told Lois of her anxiety for Dick's future, and now the girl left her with a dazed and aching heart. Mrs. Dale, full of importance and authority, met her in the hall.

"Wipe off that smile, Danny boy," called Darrin softly. But Dan only shook his head with a deepening grin which seemed to declare that he found the Navy situation all to the good. In fact, Dalzell felt such a friendly contempt for poor old Dick's form by this time, that he cheerily offered at Dick's first. Crack!

Months later, puzzling over the situation, Bassett was to wonder, and not to know, whether chance or design brought the Thorwald woman to the door that night. At the time, and for weeks, he laid it to tragic chance, the same chance which had placed in Dick's hand the warning letter that had brought him West.

Austin stared at her for a moment incredulously. "Dick in love in love with Viviette?" Then he broke into a peal of laughter. "My dear Katherine! Why, it's absurd! It's preposterous! It's too funny." "But seriously, Austin." "But seriously," he said, with laughing eyes, "such an idea has never penetrated into old Dick's wooden skull. You dear women are always making up romance.