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It is further explained that the spirit then stays in the small house or saloko instead of in the rice stalks, and so they are able to grow. A female pig is presented to the medium who, after reciting a proper diam above it, stabs the animal and collects its blood.

Then having recited a proper diam over a small pig, they slaughter it and scatter its blood mixed with rice among the stones. Likewise they place a dish of basi among them for the use of the spirits. A part of the slain animal is then cooked and eaten, after which all go back to the village.

Diam. maj. 23, min. 20, alt. 11, mill. A Helix of the Caracolla section, allied to the C. panayensis of Broderip. Found on the ground at the roots of trees, in the South-East Island of the Louisiade Archipelago. Helix louisiadensis. Tab. i. fig. 8. a, b.

For this a pig or rooster is prepared for sacrifice, but before it is killed, the medium squats before it and, stroking its side with oiled fingers, she chants the following diam. "Those who live in the same town go to raid, to take heads. "He saw their hats lying on the ground. The spirits of Ibal in Daem are the cause of their trouble.

In these also the brood bursts out in the Nauplius-form, and speedily strips off its earliest larva-skin which is distinguished by no peculiarities worth noticing. A pair of similar filaments spring, in the larvae of the Cirripedia and Rhizocephala, directly from the brain. Nauplius of Sacculina purpurea, shortly before the second moult, magnified 180 diam.

Its carapace is but slightly compressed laterally and hairy, as in Sacculina purpurea; the adherent feet are of considerable size, and the natatory feet are wanting, as, in the adult animal, are the corresponding cirri. As I learn from Mr. Powell in the Mauritius. Eggs of Tetraclita porosa in segmentation, magnified 90 diam.

They stop outside of the village, while the medium hides the rack and split bamboo near the trail. Soon the man with the dog leaves the line and drags the animal to a distant tree, where he ties it in the branches. As they arrive at the stream, the people pause, while the medium holds the shell cup beside the burning straw, and recites a diam.

Testa aperte-umbilicata, tumido-depressa, nitidissima, superne radiatim striata, cornea, fasciis angustis transversis distantibus fulvis; spira angusta; anfractus 5 planiusculi, ultimus rotundatus, antice vix descendentes; apertura rotundata; peristoma simplex, vix acutum, rectum, margine columellari non reflexo. Diam. maj. 26, min. 21, alt. 14 mill.

Embryo of a Squilla, magnified 45 diam. a. heart. The corresponding body-segments are already well developed, an unpaired eye is still present, the anterior antennae are already biramose, whilst the flagellum is wanting in the posterior, and the mandibles are destitute of palpi; the four anterior abdominal segments bear biramose natatory feet, without branchiae; the fifth abdominal segment has no appendages, and this is also the case with the tail, which still appears as a simple lamina, fringed on the hinder margin with numerous short teeth.

Testa ovata, polita, nitidissima, translucens, hyalina, solidiuscula; spira obtusa; anfractus 5, duo ultimi majores; apertura orbicularis; peristoma album, crassum, solutum, canalibus duobus interruptum; canalis superior ad partem superiorem et externam aperturae, inferior major, basalis, marginibus disjunctis et in dorsum anfractus prolongatis. Long. 7 1/2, diam. 4 1/2, apert. 2 mill.