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Standish demanded that his own safety be guaranteed, and it was not until I sardonically suggested he was more concerned about himself than about his fiancée, and was probably content to leave the beautiful Señorita Rostrevor to the tender mercies of El Diablo Cojuelo rather than endure any personal hardship, that I persuaded him to accompany me."

But you ought to get fifty to one, about it, if you put it on easy." "I see you have Diablo entered for the Brooklyn," Faust put out as a feeler. "Don't you want a commission worked on him?" "I didn't enter him; that was somebody else's foolishness, and I don't want to back him." "He's a hundred to one." "A thousand would be short odds, I should say," answered Crane. "But wait a bit.

Diablo's head was up, his teeth set hard and the man's strength was as nothing against the full-muscled neck of the big horse. Diablo was cutting down the lead the other two held over him, galloping like a demon. Porter felt that he must loosen the bit and throw that set head down to get command of the horse.

Nobody dared to brush him, and so I took a soft-haired brush and started to work on his neck. He liked it, and so I dressed him down and left him pretty near shining. And every day after that I went and had a talk with him and brushed him. Then I rode Crackajack up to the bars and let Diablo see me on him, with no bridle or saddle.

Raiders were one thing, Rojas was another; Camino del Diablo still another; but that vast and desolate and unwatered waste of cactus and lava, the Sonora Desert, might appall the stoutest heart. Gale felt his own sink felt himself flinch. "Oh, where is he going?" cried Mercedes. Her poignant voice seemed to break a spell. "Shore, lady, Yaqui's goin' home," replied Ladd, gently.

Their seizures, I am told, were unavoidable for military needs alone." "You have never heard our side," the girl spoke bitterly. "Was it military need that filched two hundred of our blooded horses from the ranches? Was it military need that robbed my ailing mother of her pet, the mare Diablo?

For some reason the words of his host remained in the mind of Bull as he went down the road that day. Oddly enough, he pictured man and horse as being somewhat alike Diablo vast and black and fierce, and Hal Dunbar dark and huge and terrible of eye, also; which was proof enough that Bull Hunter was a good deal of a child.

He rode straight up, and a cheer came from the spectators when they saw that he was not touching leather in the midst of the fiercest contortions of Diablo. It seemed that the great brute would snap the very saddle off his back, but still the rider sat erect, swaying as though in a storm, but still firmly glued to the saddle. Even the heart of Bull Hunter warmed to the battle.

One fierce yank to the right and the black head swayed a trifle; another to the left and God in heaven! the rein snapped, and its loose end came back, slashing the rider across the face. He reeled with the recoil, nearly bringing Diablo to his knees with the sudden swing of weight on the right rein.

He examined the specimen chemically, and soon after announced to the scientific world that the Canyon Diablo Meteorite contained black and transparent diamonds. Since this revelation the search for diamonds in meteorites has occupied the attention of chemists all over the world. "Here, then, we have absolute proof of the truth of the meteoric theory.