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And, O sister, assisted by Rama and Krishna, we are invincible in battle by even the slayer himself of Vritra what are the sons of Dhritarashtra?" Vaisampayana continued, "After these words had been spoken, all the heroes there turned their faces towards Vasudeva, who then in their midst began to speak as follows."

The incensed Dhritarashira told me, O Bharata, go thou thither where thou likest. Never more shall I seek thy aid in ruling the earth or my capital, O best of monarchs, forsaken by king Dhritarashtra, I come to thee for tendering good counsel. What I had said in the open court, I will now repeat unto thee.

He hath done us no wrong; how then doth he deserves imprisonment? "Bhishma said, 'This wicked son of thine, O Dhritarashtra, hath his hour come. He chooseth evil, not good, though entreated by his well-wishers. Thou also followest in the wake of this wicked wretch of sinful surroundings, who treadeth a thorny path setting at naught the words of his well-wisher.

I have told thee, O king, everything that, O Bharata, was said by Bhishma, Drona, Vidura, Gandhari and Dhritarashtra, in my presence. Extraordinary and awful and terrible and superhuman indications, O Bharata, were then manifested by me.

After Vasudeva had departed, O king, Vyasa, that adored of the whole world, of inconceivable soul, began to comfort king Dhritarashtra. The righteous-souled Vasudeva departed, having achieved his mission successfully, from Hastinapura, for seeing the camp and the Pandavas. Arrived at the camp, he proceeded to the presence of the Pandavas.

Indeed, with his ministers and treasury and citizens, he should thus adopt force against the invader. If battling with the foe becomes hopeless, then he should fall, sacrificing his resources one after another. Casting off his life in this way, he will attain to liberation from all sorrow."" "'Dhritarashtra said, "O best of kings, thou shouldst also reflect properly on war and peace.

I will rest, having done all this. Even this is my chief and decided resolve. Tell them this, O son of Gavalgana. Look at the folly of Duryodhana! O Suta, they that are invincible in battle even if encountered with the aid of the very gods headed by Indra, even against them that son of Dhritarashtra thinketh of warring!

Similarly, O king, Bhima's driver bore away from the battle-field on his car, the son of Pandu, that scorcher of foes, who was repeatedly falling into a swoon." "Dhritarashtra said, 'Describe to me the battle of Arjuna with the samsaptakas, and of the other kings with the Pandavas.

"Sanjaya continued, 'Unto the ruler of Madras, of harsh features, who was saying such disagreeable things unto Karna, the latter once more said words that were twice bitter. "'Karna said, "Listen with devoted attention to this, O ruler of the Madras, that was heard by me while it was recited in the presence of Dhritarashtra.

"'Thou wicked-minded Duryodhana, thou wretch, destruction hath all ready overtaken thee when thou insultest in language such as this the wife of these bulls among the Kurus, especially their wedded wife Draupadi. And having spoken those words, the wise Dhritarashtra endued with knowledge, reflecting with the aid of his wisdom and desirous of saving his relatives and friends from destruction, began to console Krishna, the princess of Panchala, and addressing her, the monarch said, 'Ask of me any boon, O princess of Panchala, that thou desirest.