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"Seem like dem creturs is clean gone, sho' nuf," he exclaimed, with an air of unwilling conviction; then adding, "well, ef dey's gone, I 'se got 'em to fine, dat's de trufe." He called in the dog, and, taking his dinner bucket, climbed the fence and struck off into the woods.

"But dis yere lodge is gwine have a more 'portant puppose 'en jes' to fune'lize de daid," protested Sister Eldora. "We aims to do somethin' fur de livin' whilst yet dey's still alive. Curious you ain't tuck notice of de signs of de times ez dey's been expounded 'mongst de people by Doct' Duvall. He sho' kin 'splain things in a way to mek you a true believer."

"I am, Cookie," I admitted. The whites of Cookie's eyes became alarmingly conspicuous. Drawing near in a stealthy manner he whispered: "Yo' bettah not, Miss Jinny!" "Better not?" I repeated, staring. He answered with a portentous head-shake. "Oh, nonsense, Cookie!" I said impatiently, "There's not a thing on the island but the pigs!" "Miss Jinny," he solemnly replied, "dey's pigs and pigs."

Looking anxious, Mrs. Lightfoot appealed to Aunt Rhody, who was busily spreading little squares of sweet potatoes on the clean boards. "Rhody, can't you possibly find us some eggs?" she inquired. Aunt Rhody stopped her work and turned upon them all the dignity of two hundred pounds of flesh. "How de hens gwine lay w'en dey's done been eaten up?" she demanded.

Some ob dese folks calls em nigger teachers, an' won't hab nuffin to do wid 'em, but I jis' thinks dey's splendid. But dere's some triflin' niggers down yere who'll sell der votes for almost nuffin. Does you 'member Jake Williams an' Gundover's Tom? Well dem two niggers is de las' ob pea-time. Dey's mighty small pertaters an' few in a hill."

'The King my master, replied Keppel, with a glance at the Dey's hairy countenance, 'does not measure wisdom by the length of the beard, or he would have sent a he-goat to confer with your Highness. The Dey raged at this bold repartee, and began to speak of bowstrings and the ministers of death.

"I am afraid I have some serious work cut out for me to-night. If you want to go you are welcome to do so, and if you stay I'll be glad to have you. I don't know anyone I had rather have near me when a row springs up." "Me, Marse Cally? You sholy don't mean me." It was plain that he was delighted. "You know how skeery I is, Marse Cally, when dey's a row gwine on.

Worthington, Aunt Eunice, and Densie to remain quietly in her own room, joined the negroes below, cheering them by her presence, and by her apparent fearlessness keeping up their sinking courage. "We's better gin dem de hosses, Miss Ellis," Claib said, entreatingly, as blow after blow fell upon the yielding door "'cause dey's boun' to hab 'em."

Some small particles flew up and hit him in the neck. "Hey, you fellows quit that!" "Den yo' bettah take yo' umbrell, Kase dey's gwine to be wet wedder." "Yeow!" The fat boy left the rock, jumping right up into the air, for the wild yell had seemed to come out of the rock itself. At that juncture three pajama-clad figures rose from behind the rock and threw themselves upon him.

"But, Huck, dese kings o' ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat's jist what dey is; dey's reglar rapscallions." "Well, that's what I'm a-saying; all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out." "Is dat so?" "You read about them once you'll see.