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Dexie was just going to explain that she was no relation to Elsie, when the conversation of the night before came into her mind, and while she hesitated Mrs. Taylor left the room. As the door opened they could hear Lancy's voice as he conversed with the family, and for the first time it brought a flush to Dexie's face.

I expect she will keep a fine establishment when she is married. But I know nothing about her affairs; she was always close-mouthed, and she is sure to do something entirely different from what you expect." "But, mamma, this Mr. Traverse seems to be more than just friendly to Dexie. I am sure he is with her every chance he gets."

"Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee." It was almost a whisper, but it soon had a visible effect on Hugh, and in half an hour the doctor's curt words, "You may go now," were more welcome than the sweetest praise. As the fever ran its course, Dexie was frequently called to Hugh's bedside. How she dreaded those visits, yet stern duty forbade her to refuse, as her heart often prompted.

"But I could not go to sleep for thinking of last night. It seems so good to be in my own bed again, safe, after all my fears, that I wanted to tell you once more how sorry I am for being so cross with you; for I was awful cross, Dexie, when you talked so harshly to me."

She had been so astonished at his bold claim of ownership that for a moment she could not understand it, but the truth flashed on her mind that he had done it to shield her, and she blessed him for it. Guy looked round as the door opened, and coming forward he took the tray she carried in her hands and set it on a small table near, saying: "Is this for both of us, Miss Dexie?

I have not been able to play it through yet without a break. Sit down and try how far you can play, Dexie." Dexie took the offered seat, and her hands swept the keys; but her firm touch seemed wanting.

Dexie did not answer at once, but clasped her hands, palms downward, in that convulsive grasp that always told of some mental struggle. Something of the old terror filled her heart at the very mention of Hugh's name, and her answer was evidently uttered with much reluctance, not unmixed with fear: "He is probably on his way to New York, Gussie.

Sherwood one day, as Dexie sat by his side, writing at his dictation. "Never mind about that story now; I have forgotten how I intended to end the matter. Tell me what has happened between you two." "Indeed, papa, there is nothing. Mr.

I shall die!" and Mrs. Sherwood fell back on the sofa in violent hysterics. This was answer enough, and Dexie rushed to her own room, calling loudly for Eliza. Gussie ran up the stairs at that moment, saying wildly: "Oh, Dexie, is it true? Is papa hurt?" "Yes, Gussie, and I am going to him. Run to mamma; I cannot delay a moment.

My definition of the term abroad is, a tour through Europe, ending with Egypt and the Holy Land, and farther still if the pocket-book held out." "Dexie, will you go abroad with me?" Gussie looked from Hugh to Dexie in open-eyed surprise. This invitation might mean much or little. "Why, Hugh, it would be improper for Dexie to accept such an invitation," she hastily said.