United States or Armenia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He was determined to find out and to "get somebody." Jack was on duty in the conning tower and Executive Officer Cleary in the control chamber underneath. Floating here at a depth of one hundred and ten feet the Dewey was to spend the night resting and with a vigilant ear for any passing vessels.

It fell to the lot of Admiral Dewey to open and to close the active operations of the war. His destruction of the Spanish fleet was the first engagement of the war. After fighting had ceased in the western hemisphere, under instructions from the President in accordance with the peace agreement, Admiral Dewey forced Manila to surrender under fire of the guns of his fleet.

The court had given a certain time for the executors under the first will to make up their accounts, and hand over the property in trust. That time had expired. There was manifest embarrassment on the part of Judge Bigelow and his associate; while Dewey looked stern and dogged. We soon got into the centre of the business, and found it pretty earnest work.

There had been a good deal of talk, but when the time came they did not go. One of them didn't go because he didn't have any toothbrush. "Senator Burrows. Did he give that as a reason? "Admiral Dewey. Yes; he said, 'I have no toothbrush."

Dewey judged that the channel was too deep to be mined successfully except by trained experts and that both contact and electrical mines would deteriorate so rapidly in tropical waters as to be effective only for a short time. He therefore decided to steam through the channel at night, disregarding the mines, and to attack the Spanish fleet which lay within.

He swung his rawhide with a vigor that made Dewey and the others dance, but they pluckily kept up the assault, until the instructor seized a big stick, intended to serve as fuel for the old-fashioned stove, and laid about him with an energy that soon stretched the rebels on the floor. Then how he belabored them!

"But I am not one of the boys, Mr. Bradley," said Miss Sinclair. "Right you are, miss, and I reckon Richard Dewey would rather have you as you are." Ida laughed merrily. To her the miner was a new character, unlike any she had ever met, and though rough and unconventional, she was disposed to like him. "Find him for me, and you can ask him the question if you like.

A number of her crew were in bad shape from the long confinement in the stranded sub. "Your men need a bit of play after their hazardous experience," was the message flashed to the Dewey from the Tallahassee's commander as he bade "Little Mack" and his men Godspeed.

News of the victory was as unexpected as it was welcome in the United States. President McKinley appointed Dewey an acting Rear-Admiral and on all sides discussion began of the situation and possibilities of the Philippines. In the meantime, the position of the American squadron was far from secure.

It was McClure's idea to lie perfectly still in the water until one of the enemy warships swung right into the range glass of the Dewey and then give it a stab of steel -a sting in the dark from a hidden serpent! The waiting moments seemed like hours. Gradually, however, the leader of the silent ships drew nearer. There was no mistaking the telltale reports in the wireless room.