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Before them on the one hand, bordering on the river, stretched a range of low hills, dun-brown from its coat of sun-dried grass. On the other, greener by contrast, glittering now in the level rays of the early morning sun on myriad dew-drops, and seemingly endless, unrolled the open prairie.

And where the nectar is, there will the sun-birds be gathered together a sweeter notion, truly, than carcases and eagles. And this nectar, clear as dew-drops, sweet with an aftertaste of some scented spice a fragile pungency was ever liqueur so purely compounded?

Thou bringst fitt mourners for my funerall. Boy. But why do you weep, father? Leid. O, my Boy, Thy teares are dew-drops, sweet as those on roses, But mine the faint and yron sweatt of sorrow. How nature rises now and turnes me woman When most I should be man! Sweet hart, farewell, Farewell for ever.

For this is not the Aurora of golden purple, of laughing flowers and jewelled dew-drops; but the dark Enchantress, enthroned on rocks, or craggy mountains, and whose proper empire is the shadowy confines of light and darkness. How all this is done, we shall not attempt to explain.

for even in the dry Desert the morning sheds some moisture, if not dew-drops. But on that Rock my thoughts now concentrated there I must soon return, and revisit all its dark and rugged precincts. This was my only chance to meet with any persons sent in pursuit of me, if such there were. Began to see I had wandered at least eight miles from the Huge Rock.

But the flower shuddered at his kiss and the bright dew-drops hanging from her petals froze to ice at the same moment. Winter went oftener and oftener through the wood.

New life and new love drop from the spheres, as dew-drops from the cloud, and embrace Nature, as the cool night embraces the earth. All death in Nature is birth; and precisely in dying the sublimation of life appears most conspicuous. There is no death-bringing principle in Nature, for Nature is only life, throughout.

Every one wanted to hear the thunder of the Beggars' cannon, the rattle of their arquebuses and muskets; men and women thought the tempest that threatened to sweep them away, pleasanter than the softest breeze, and the pouring rain, which drenched them, preferable to spring dew-drops mirroring the sunshine.

A large fund of Hope dwells in him; spite of his tragical history, he is not a mourning man. He shakes his sorrows gallantly aside; bounds forth victorious over them. It is as the lion shaking "dew-drops from his mane;" as the swift-bounding horse, that laughs at the shaking of the spear.

Down below in the meadow, the cattle begin to shake off the dew-drops from their hides, and to send forth a plaintive low as they slowly seek their early breakfast in the spangled grass, or by the steaming river. Away among the hills, the faint bleat of the sheep echoes from heath to heath, whilst their white fleeces dot the plains.