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Being totally devoid of any sense of delicacy or propriety, they seemed resolved to search every mystery to the bottom. Having at length satisfied their curiosity, they next proceeded to business. The men occupied themselves in procuring supplies for their onward journey; either buying them with money or giving in exchange superfluous articles of their own.

He therefore drew upon himself the punishment due to them; for he is slain at Lavinium, in a tumult which arose on his going thither to an anniversary sacrifice. They say that Romulus resented this with less severity than the case required, either by reason of their association in the kingly power being devoid of cordiality, or because he believed that he was justly killed.

Saxham shrugs his massive shoulders, and with the utter unmelodiousness that distinguishes the performance of a man devoid of a musical ear, whistles a fragment of a little tune.

The cathedral, which is very ancient, is devoid of all attempt at architecture, and resembles a huge barn; while the governor's palace, in appearance, reminds you of a stable. During the day the streets of Manilla are perfectly quiet and deserted. At dusk the people begin to move, and show signs of life.

In a great, cool room of his splendid Venetian palace, Sir Edmund Acour, Seigneur of Cattrina sat in consultation with the priest Nicholas. Clearly he was ill at ease; his face and his quick, impatient movements showed it. "You arrange badly," he said in a voice quite devoid of its ordinary melodious tones. "Everything goes wrong.

The people of Constantinople was devoid of any rational principles of freedom; but they held, as a lawful cause of rebellion, the color of a livery in the races, or the color of a mystery in the schools.

During those times devoid of inspiration, when the artist's hand was heavy on his instrument, Felicia, deprived of the one moral support of her intellectual being, became unsociable, unapproachable, a tormenting mocker the revenge taken of human weakness on the tired brains of genius.

Yet Nina's life for all her outward composure, for all the seeming detachment from the things and people surrounding her, was far from quiet, in consequence of Mrs. Almayer being much too active for the happiness and even safety of the household. That gentleman of Sulu origin was certainly endowed with statesmanlike qualities, although he was totally devoid of personal charms.

But as the light brightened the grey land took form, and I discerned a few scraggly patches of green between the torn masses of distorted soil. The stars had faded now and only the pale moon remained in the bluing sky, while below the land disclosed a sad monotony of ruin and waste, utterly devoid of any constructive work of man.

Each cause can be endowed with an importance which outdoes all the others. Education can any one deny the overwhelming need of proper concentration on its possibilities? "Here we have a generation of ignorant, selfish, immoral creatures, devoid of a sense of social responsibility," says our first reformer; "why, the remedy is obvious: let us begin with the children in the schools.