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Perhaps it was her face that betrayed emotion, for after a moment of silence, the man answered. "What's the matter? You're as nervous as a child tonight, Ruth?" "Isn't there reason enough to make me nervous?" she demanded. "A robber Heaven knows what running at large in the house?" "H'm!" murmured the man. "Devilish queer that you should get so excited all at once. No, it's something else.

"There was no woman," I said gravely, "on deck or in the cabin." "What mean you by saying that? There was one on board! Don't lie to me! In an hour I am dead but first tell me the truth. Does the woman live?" "No, she died before. We found her body in a chest, preserved by some devilish Indian art, richly dressed, and decked with jewels." "English?" "I judged her so, but with dark hair and eyes.

I then sent them to Mary and rejoiced in my devilish cunning all the evening, but chagrin came in the morning with a letter from her which showed she knew all, that I was her Mr. Anon, and that there never had been a Timothy. I think I was never so gravelled. Even now I don't know how she had contrived it.

A moment or two later she was able to finish her pathetic narrative. "Do you marvel, Monsieur," she said, "that I am still sane still alive? But I only live to find my child. I try and keep my reason in order to fight the devilish cunning of a brute on his own ground. Up to now all my inquiries have been in vain.

Lying leisurely in wait, its body submerged just beneath the swelling undulations of a summer sea, invisible, ruthless, insatiable; only the protrusion of a foot or so of periscopic tube betokened its presence without betraying its purpose. But in that innocent-looking tube lay vast potentialities for evil nay, devilish certainties of dealing death and destruction.

We shall not leave that family in tears, Rose in shame, and your child without a name." Dujardin stared at the speaker. What new and devilish deception was this? "My child!" he faltered. "What child?" "Ah," said Raynal, "what a fool I was! That is the first thing I ought to have told you. Poor little fellow!

It is clever, indeed, and very entertaining; but it is, in the most emphatic sense of the words, "earthly, sensual, devilish." Its indecency, though perpetually such as is condemned not less by the rules of good taste than by those of morality, is not, in our opinion, so disgraceful a fault as its singularly inhuman spirit.

You have put the cap to your villainy now. And, as God made me, you shall have cause good cause to fear the woman you have once betrayed and twice scorned. Look to yourself. She gazed at me for a moment with a face from which every trace of expression had vanished, except that of the most devilish fury and spite the face of an evil spirit more than of a woman; and then she walked slowly away.

"Oh, yes, we are, devilish good friends," he answered with assurance; "known each other from boyhood, and all that. And I say, old chap," he added, "you needn't be jealous of me, you know. I got out of that long ago. And I'm after something else now." For a space I was speechless. Then the ludicrous side of the matter struck me, and I laughed in spite of myself.

He knew better than that. Nevitt's consummate mastery of his chosen instrument was but of a piece, after all, with the way he could play on all the world, as on a familiar gamut. It was the very skill of the man that made him so dangerous and so devilish. Guy felt that under the spell of Nevitt's eye he himself was but as clay in the hands of the potter.