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The proportions of saturated solution of oxalate to saturated solution of iron, to form the oxalate of iron developer, that has been recommended by the highest and almost only scientific authority on the subject Dr. Eder are from 4 to 6 parts of potassic oxalate to 1 part of ferrous sulphate.

"Chest-weight chest-developer." "Oh!" Stover examined the device curiously, "I thought a chest- developer came in a bottle." Fresno explained the operation of the apparatus, at which the cow-man remarked, admiringly: "That young feller is all right, ain't he?" "Think so?" "Sure! Don't you?" Fresno explained his doubts by a crafty lift of his brows and a shrug. "I thought so at first."

It should be said that the above figures cannot be considered final until each plate has been tested separately with its own developer, as this would undoubtedly have some influence on the final result.

I find a thin negative requires a slow development, and so gain contrast; while hard negatives are best over-exposed and quickly developed. The plate is first placed in water or rinsed under a gentle stream from the tap till all greasiness has disappeared, it is then placed in a flat dish, and the developer applied.

Within a short period sulphurous acid has become an important element in the preparation of an excellent pyro developer for gelatine plates; and as it is more or less unstable in its keeping qualities, some easy method of preparing a small quantity which shall have a uniform strength is desirable.

In addition to developers we must have what is called the "hypo" fixing bath. This is a solution of hyposulphite of soda, a chemical which is used in development and which renders the plate no longer sensitive to light, but dissolves that part which has not been acted upon by the developer.

He had edited and published a Mormon newspaper in San Francisco; and he had long successfully directed the affairs of the publishing house in Salt Lake City which he owned. He was a railroad builder, a banker, a developer of mines, a financier of a score of interests. He combined the activities of a statesman, a missionary, and a man of business, and seemed equally successful in all.

To pose as an instructor in an art, when one is in doubt about its very rudiments, is a position which has its drawbacks. "I don't quite know. The stupid fellow has written instructions on all the other labels, and none on these except simply `Developer Number 1' and `Developer Number 2'; I think the only difference is that one is rather stronger than the other.

Sir Isaac Newton is "the developer of the skies in their embodied movements;" and Mrs. Thrale, when a party of clever people sat silent, is said "to have been provoked by the dulness of a taciturnity that, in the midst of such renowned interlocutors, produced as narcotic a torpor as could have been caused by a dearth the most barren of all human faculties."

He was a splendid photographer; he did profiles and full-faces, three-quarter and full-length portraits; he could develop and fix, tone and print them. He was the deuce of a fellow! But he was always discontented, for he was a philosopher, a great philosopher and a discoverer. His theory was that the world was upside down. It was plainly proved by the plate in the developer.