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Among the works of sentiment which were acknowledged imitations of Yorick, along with Jacobi’sWinterreise,” probably the most typical and best known was theEmpfindsame Reisen durch Deutschlandby Johann Gottlieb Schummel. Its importance as a document in the history of sentimentalism is rather as an example of tendency than as a force contributing materially to the spread of the movement.

He or some kindred regent will be the symbol of royalty in Germany through all those years of maximum stress and hardship ahead. Through-out the greater part of Germany the tradition of loyalty to his house is not a century old. And the real German loyalty is racial and national far more than dynastic. It is not the Hohenzollern over all that they sing about; it is Deutschland.

The American public scouted the idea as being impossible of accomplishment, but the report persisted, and cities along the Atlantic Coast line had been on the watch for several days. The Deutschland eventually turned into Hampton Roads, piloted by a waiting tug, and tied up at a Baltimore dock. The submarine, which was the largest ever seen in American waters, became a seven days' wonder.

They had been still further amazed by the feats of the German undersea cargo carrier Deutschland that had made the trip to America and back, and the U-53 that suddenly popped into Newport one summer afternoon. The night dragged along. Now that they were fairly off, Jack and Ted preferred not to sleep, but rather to keep tabs on the maneuvers of the American fleet.

England stands for the idea of a public law of Europe, and for the small nations which it protects. She stands for her own preservation, which is menaced when public law is broken, and the 'ages' slow-bought gain' imperilled. General Bernhardi's book, Deutschland und der nächste Krieg, was published in 1911, and has been translated into English under the title Germany and the Next War.

And in Deutschland, acts in the field count for so much more than words in the pulpit. If the Huns win, Teuton hate will, of course, succeed Christian love as the human creed. Friendship, as we know it, will largely cease to exist. Friends will be those who can be cowed into truculence or bought. There will be no truth, justice, equity, in our meaning. Only the will or whim of the Emperor.

"But, my dear sir, what on earth " "Merely," said I, with conviction, "that this isn't an Allies' night. It is Deutschland uber Alles; the stars are fighting for the Teuton race. Now, let's hear how you were christened," I added, turning to the house detective, who looked even less sunny than before if that could be. "See here, whatcher giving us?" snarled that somewhat unpolished worthy.

"You may remember that German submarines made their way to the Dardanelles safely. The only difference will be that the Deutschland will go unarmed. She will carry a cargo of dyestuffs and other commodities of which the United States is in need." "Well, she may try it, but I don't believe she'll get there," said Harris. "Nor I," declared Jack. But Frank wasn't so sure.

I'm sure you must want a drink, and those swashbucklers of yours" he looked round at von Moll's six men "could hold hands and sing 'Deutschland über Alles. It would cheer us all up." The Queen looked at von Moll in amazement. Then she glanced at Konrad Karl. While Gorman was speaking she made up her mind to assert herself.

Storming forwards with the song, 'Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, our youthful hosts, greeting death with a smile, hurl themselves upon the enemy. Truly, wherever and so long as men are men, the glory of our warriors will find remembrance in brave hearts." "It would be neither right nor just to accuse English soldiers of a want of courage.