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But such as it is, it is very earnest and suggestive and likely I hope to do good; and though I am rather scared at the thought of a fresh eye going over its 4,000 lines discovering blemishes of all sorts which my one wit cannot avail to detect, fools treated as sages, obscure passages, slipshod verses, and much that worse is, yet on the whole I am not much afraid of the issue, and I would give something to be allowed to read it some morning to you for every rap o' the knuckles I should get a clap o' the back, I know.

Thus Borsdale, as he composedly smoked his churchwarden. "In short, the whole affair is as mysterious " Here Sir Thomas raised his hand. "Spare me the simile. I detect a vista of curious perils such as infinitely outshines verbal brilliancy. You need my aid in some insane attempt." He considered. He said: "So! you have been retained?" "I have been asked to help him.

He would have regarded it as a peculiar gift of fortune if this man such a brother of such a sister could but love him, and, with the eye of an artist, discern in the despot the great qualities which, in spite of his many crimes, he believed he could detect in himself.

Hakuseki was able to detect that the conduct of the envoys violated in many respects the rules of Chinese etiquette, and having obtained the shogun's nomination to receive the envoy, Cho, he convinced the latter that there must be no more neglect of due formalities.

Every man is not strong enough to undertake to occupy an apartment separate from that of his wife; although any man might derive as much good as evil from the difficulties which exist in using but one bed. We now proceed to solve the difficulties which superficial minds may detect in this method, for which our predilection is manifest.

"Yes, but what was the nature of his conversation?" "He suggested that I had recognized his resemblance to Edgar Allan Poe." "Quite. What had led him to make this suggestion?" "The manner in which I had looked at him, I suppose." "Exactly. Although not quite sober, from a mere glance he was able to detect what you were thinking.

The words had almost escaped him, "Oh, yes, an angel!" but he caught himself up and answered, "You can get anything for money." Timéa did not know how to show her sympathy, and so Michael could detect no change in the always apathetic face. She was always the same, and the frigid kiss of welcome drew them no closer together.

If, however, she is fortunate enough to be one who keeps on learning, she will share the triumph of our achievement, for she knows how it feels. There is coming to be a greater sympathy between teachers and learners, as there is a clearer knowledge of the way the mind grows. But even yet one may detect a certain note of condescension in the treatment of the characteristics of early childhood.

'If you're putting up here, went on the speaker, 'we had better pool resources. I've got a cape, and if you have a coat we can make a decent shift of it. Two sleep warmer than one on a night like this. In spite of the sluggish manner of speech, Selwyn could detect a faint intonation which bespoke a man of breeding.

He may have found him it must be so and kept his name and condition concealed from us all, lest you should detect it. Mrs. M., don't you think so?" "I'm sure I'm so terrified I don't know what to think," said Mrs. Morton, putting her hand to her forehead, and see-sawing herself to and fro upon her stool. "But since they wronged you since you you seem so very very "