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But when I had come so far a way already, mere shame would not suffer me to desist till I had put the matter to the touch of proof; I was bound, out of mere self-respect, to carry it through; and little as I liked the sound of what I heard, and slow as I began to travel, I still kept asking my way and still kept advancing.

But it struck a cold chill of dread into many of the Senate, and Cinna and Carbo were told to desist for a time, while an embassy was sent to Sulla to try and arrange terms, and to ask, if he wished to be assured of his own safety, what were his demands.

A few moments later Mugambi and Werper were marched away under guard, and the Belgian learned for the first time, that he too was a prisoner rather than a guest. In vain he protested against such treatment, until a strapping soldier struck him across the mouth and threatened to shoot him if he did not desist.

"And I'm glad," I said, "to meet you, Mr. Purdy." I will not attempt to put down all we said: I couldn't. But by such devices is the truth in the country made manifest. So we continued to walk and look. Occasionally I would unconsciously increase my pace until I was warned to desist by the puffing of Mr. Purdy. He gave an essential impression of genial timidity: and how he did love to talk!

Hamlet allows his hand to be put into that of Laertes by the King. He does not think of the wrong he has done to Laertes of the murder of the latter's father, or the unhappiness he has criminally brought upon Laertes' sister. In most cowardly manner, hoping that Laertes would desist from the combat, Hamlet endeavours to excuse his conduct at the grave of Ophelia, by pleading his own madness.

You are in not state to judge for yourself. I therefore command you to desist from this mad purpose. He spoke gravely, but Berenger was disobedient for the first time. 'My Lord, he said, 'you are but my grandfather. She is my wife. My duty is to her.

"I will never desist," answered she, "nor is it this story that can turn me from my purpose; and an thou yield not to me, I will go up myself to the King and complain to him of thee, in that thou grudges the like of me to the like of him." Quoth her father, "Must it be so?" And she answered "Yes."

I was preparing to offer my parting thanks to the person by whom I had been so highly benefited; since, as he now informed me, it was by his interposition that I was hindered from being enclosed alive in a coffin. He was dubious of my true condition, and peremptorily commanded the followers of the hearse to desist.

Commands from our old master were met with shouts of bold defiance on the part of the negroes, until the miserable kidnappers were glad to desist, and were driven of not stealthily as they came, but in quick time and in the best way they could, to escape the threatened vengeance of the slaves, who drove them like "feathers before the wind."

And she said unto him these words, viz., 'Do not fight Bhishma who is thy disciple! Rama, however, said unto her while she was beseeching him thus, 'Go and make Bhishma desist! He doth not execute out my wish! It is for this that I have challenged him!"" Vaisampayana continued, "Thus addressed by Rama, Ganga, from affection for her son, came back to Bhishma.