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When one of our princes goes for an afternoon into the slums in East London, everybody says, and says deservedly, 'right! and 'princely! This prince has learned pity in 'the huts where poor men lie, and knows by experience all their squalor and misery. The Man Jesus is the sympathetic Priest.

If I arrive safely at the port, I shall dispose of my commodities with uncommon advantage; if I miscarry, the insurer will at least suffer with me, and be deservedly punished for his suspicions and extortion.

The earliest form of the Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border is a very pretty book; it deservedly established the fame of Ballantyne as a printer, and as it was not printed in the huge numbers which have reduced the money value of Sir Walter's later books, it is rather surprising that it is not more sought after than it is at present.

There can hardly be a more striking proof of the difficulties to be overcome by a minister than is furnished by a speech made by a gentleman of the highest character, and of deservedly wide influence in the Northern counties, Mr. Brownlow, of Lurgan, one of the members for Armagh, which is quoted by Mr. Froude.

His charges have been Evansville, Delavan, Hart Prairie, Byron, Randolph and Rosendale, where he is stationed at the present writing. Brother Cooper is a good specimen of the Itinerant Preacher. His manner is affable, his spirit genial, and his hand diligent. In all his charges he is deservedly popular.

"If he goes on in his folly he will only be unhappy, and deservedly so. She will have nothing to do with him. In stopping him, I shall only be keeping him from future unhappiness." "Samuel," said Dr. Lavendar, "I never begrudge unhappiness to the young." But Mr., Wright was too absorbed in his own troubles to get any comfort out of that. "By the way," said Dr. Lavendar, "speaking of Mrs.

No general was ever more truly or deservedly beloved by his soldiers, who, to a man, were prepared to sacrifice their lives in his service; and whose resentments were raised to the utmost, by the ingratitude, as they termed it, of their deserters. Indeed, it was with difficulty and precaution that the commandant of the latter town would permit the body of an English colonel to be interred there.

He is a soldier, a young man commended often by his superiors for gallantry and skill deservedly so, too I do not seek to deny it. He is here in Richmond now, and he has known Helen Harley all his life. They were boy and girl together. But he has become mixed in an intrigue here. There is another woman " "Mr. Sefton! You proposed that we understand each other, and that is just what I wish, too.

The officer selected for the latter was Howe, deservedly a favorite of Hawke's, but not therefore acceptable to him as a supplanter in his honors. The admiral had been for some time superintending the equipment of the vessels for the light division, when, on May 10, 1758, Howe reported to him, bringing his orders.

In these essays Genet is denounced as a dangerous enemy; his appeal "as an insolent outrage to the man who was deservedly the object of the grateful affection of the whole people of America;" "as a rude attempt of a beardless foreign stripling, whose commission from a friendly power was his only title to respect, not supported by a shadow of right on his part, and not less hostile to the constitution than to the government."