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There was a note of interrogation in her voice, and Derrick checked a sigh as he shrugged his shoulders, a trick which everybody about the place possessed, and he was acquiring unconsciously; he was dreading that, in time, he should come to spread out his hands and gesticulate like the rest of them.

He has learned how one of the finest schooners he has ever seen can make full speed in any weather without wind." "Oh no, I haven't learned how to do it, I'm a long way off that!" said Derrick, good-humouredly "But I've seen how it's done. And it's marvellous! If that invention could be applied to all ships "

"Oh, you wrote it?" She turned a little pink. "Then you must have oh, nothing." "I couldn't help it, I'm afraid." "Did you know what I was going to say?" "I guessed. You were going to say that I must have heard your criticisms in the train. You were very lenient, I thought." "I didn't like your heroine." "No. What is a 'creature, Miss Derrick?"

The simple, almost child-like, folk enjoyed themselves amazingly. Bloxford's and Derrick's health was drunk, and it was with unfeigned reluctance that Derrick at last broke up the party and ordered them off to the rest they had so well earned. On the second night there was another packed audience; but there was a larger proportion of the rougher element, and Mr.

The mining man replied: "No, that's the railroad boss over there with the gang handling the derrick; this is Tisdale, Hollis Tisdale of Alaska and Washington, D.C. You ought to have heard of him in your line of business if you never happened to see him before." Then Jimmie, turning to look more directly at the stranger, hastily dropped his face.

We must move around a dozen feet, so as to find fresh cover; then we'll keep on creeping up. I'd like above everything to get close enough to snap off a picture of that derrick." "Sure you must, Jack," breathed Toby, instantly falling in with the scheme, as he usually did with anything originating in his companion's fertile brain. "Once they saw that thing, with Mr.

If it is a reptile, and I suppose it is; for it has frowzy hair and blue eyes, and looks like a reptile. It has no hips; it tapers like a carrot; when it stands, it spreads itself apart like a derrick; so I think it is a reptile, though it may be architecture.

The water was dashed on the fronts of the neighbouring houses, thrown all over the street, splashed against the telegraph poles, and poured in torrents over the excited crowd. Every place in the neighbourhood of the fire was literally soaked. The man worked with a will. A derrick rapidly erected in the street reared itself to the height of sixteen or seventeen feet.

Meanwhile, in the Opera House, a great commotion had occurred. Magnus Derrick had appeared. Only a sense of enormous responsibility, of gravest duty could have prevailed upon Magnus to have left his house and the dead body of his son that day. But he was the President of the League, and never since its organisation had a meeting of such importance as this one been held.

Like a gallows, almost concealed behind a fringe of poplar trees, stood the familiar lines of an oil derrick. "I'm sorry they haven't got a flag out," remarked Colonel Howell, "but that's the place. All there is of Fort McMurray is just beyond."