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"Pumpkin Hollow, State o' Maine," said Joshua. "Dad's an orthodox deacon. He never let any of us play keards. I don't know one from t'other." "I'll learn you," said the Pike man condescendingly. "Suppose we have a game of poker?" "Ain't that a gambling' game?" inquired Joshua. "We always play for something," said the Pike man. "It's dern foolishness playin' for nothing. Shall we have a game?"

Whatever it was don't ask ME but, dern my skin, ef after a word or two from HIM them boys just stopped yellin', turned round like lambs, and rode away, peaceful-like, along with him. We ran after them a spell, still yellin', when that thar Bulger faced around, said to us that he'd 'come down here for quiet, and ef he couldn't hev it he'd have to leave with those gentlemen WHO WANTED IT too!

Like as not a feller'd never come out alive." "Well, better men than we have died," said Mr. Bonner tranquilly. "Come on; I'll go in first. It's all tommy-rot about the place being haunted. In any event, ghosts don't monkey around at this time of day. It's hardly dusk." "But, gosh dern it," exploded Anderson Crow, "we seen it!" "I seen it first," said Isaac Porter proudly.

He looked down and saw a big rattle-snake coiled ready to strike. "The old fellow took another swig of the corn, and in defiance he swept that snake with his eyes. "'Strike, dern you, strike, you will never find me better prepared." The father of a certain charming girl is well known in this town as "a very tight old gentleman."

I want to find somebody that can sing 'The Cowboy's Lament' and sing it right, as I am plannin' a funeral party and I want to work out all the details. Can you sing 'The Lament' so it's fitten to hear?" "Yer dern tootin' I can sing 'The Lament'," retorted Landy, "all forty-four verses of hit, en the chorus betwixt every verse. I'm a prima donna when it comes to singin' that ole favorite.

That there Pete, he ain't worth the powder to blow him up you couldn't learn him no politics if you set up with him night after night fer a year. Didn't I try? Try? I dern near bust my head open jest thinkin' up ways to make the flathead see. And he wouldn't make no effort, jest set there and parrot out 'Vote a Republican! He's ongrateful, that's what he is.

"I shall have to put down my foot agin," he said to himself on the eventful morning when Pel presented him with the basket. "Dern my luck, I've got to do it agin, when I ain't hardly got over the other time." So, after an hour's plotting and planning, he made some purchases in Biddeford and started on his return trip.

"I callate we wuz a dern sight better orf every way under the King, 'n we be naow. The Tories wuz right, arter all, I guess. We'd better a let well nuff l'one, an not to a jumped aouter the fryin-pan intew the fire," said Peleg, gloomily.

"I don't I don't like it much down here, Penrod." Penrod's hoarse whisper came from the profound gloom: "Well, who ever said you did?" "Well " Sam paused; then he said plaintively, "I wish we'd never seen that dern ole horse." "It was every bit his fault," said Penrod. "We didn't do anything. If he hadn't come stickin' his ole head in our stable, it'd never happened at all. Ole fool!" He rose.

I understand," he said heartily, his former indifference vanished. "Derned if I wouldn't jist as soon leave that Parley-Voo behind; but I 'm with ye, an' I reckon Ol' Burns 'll give them thar redskins another dern good jolt. Take hold here, boy, an' we 'll run this yere man-o-war outside, where we kin ship the rest o' her crew."