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Before the warriors of the Mehdi made the term 'dervish' better known, it was commonly understood to signify a beggar. But though the derivation is 'before the door, yet this does not mean begging from door to door.

One of the most bitter of these contests was over the question of "revulsion," and "derivation" that is, whether in cases of pleurisy treated by bleeding, the venesection should be made at a point distant from the seat of the disease, as held by the "revulsionists," or at a point nearer and on the same side of the body, as practised by the "derivationists."

Of these I have selected two, one relating to the Duke of Buckingham, and the other to the history and derivation of English literature. Generally, I believe, that to a just appreciation of Pope's falseness, levity, and self-contradiction, it is almost essential that a reader should have studied him with the purpose of becoming his editor.

In the work entitled "Episcopacy Tested by Scripture," published by the Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, New York, the author, one of their able advocates, makes the following admission concerning the title bishop in the New Testament, "that the name is there given to the middle order or presbyters; and all that we read in the New Testament concerning bishops, including of course the words overseer and oversight, which have the same derivation, is to be regarded as pertaining to that middle grade" the presbyters or elders.

Our breakfast consisted of several dishes whose contents were all supplied by the sea, and some foods whose nature and derivation were unknown to me. They were good, I admit, but with a peculiar flavor to which I would soon grow accustomed. These various food items seemed to be rich in phosphorous, and I thought that they, too, must have been of marine origin. Captain Nemo stared at me.

The true signification of education, according to one derivation of the word, is the bringing or leading out of the faculties. The best educated person is not he who has stored up in his memory the greatest number of facts, but he whose faculties have become most strengthened and perfected by what he has learned.

The whole of Popery lies in the assumption of a Church, as a numerical unit, infallible in the highest degree, inasmuch as both which is Scripture, and what Scripture teaches, is infallible by derivation only from an infallible decision of the Church.

Anyhow there is nothing whatever either in the derivation of the word, or in the context in either of the five instances in which it occurs, to show that what is referred to is affixion to something that was cross-shaped. The word stauroo occurs, as has been said, forty-four times; and of the four words in question by far the most frequently.

In effect, this traditional supposed proof of God's existence resolves itself fundamentally into hypostatizing or substantivating the explanation or reason of a phenomenon; it amounts to saying that Mechanics is the cause of movement, Biology of life, Philology of language, Chemistry of bodies, by simply adding the capital letter to the science and converting it into a force distinct from the phenomena from which we derive it and distinct from our mind which effects the derivation.

Between Elizabeth de Angelis the pun of Gregory and Elizabeth de Angulo the latter being the derivation of heralds and lawyers what poet could hesitate a moment? Our task is done. We think we have established our case.