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A graceful girl, her naked limbs glistening with coconut oil, a necklet of flowers about her throat and a hibiscus bloom pasted to her cheek like a beauty spot, meeting him in the road would give him a derisive smile over her shoulder and with the unconscious cruelty of primitive folk would softly puff out "Pooh-pooh" through her pursed lips as she passed him by. And it hurt.

That divergent line stretching to the northwest had left within his boundaries the land on which his enemy had built his home. He looked; then he smote his thigh and laughed aloud. The rocks on the river-bank caught the sound, and echoed it again and again, till the air seemed full of derisive voices.

Martineau nor the father of the family found the imaginative reconstruction of the Stonehenge rituals quite so exciting as the two principals. The father of the family endured some further particulars with manifest impatience, no longer able, now that Sir Richmond was encouraging the girl, to keep her in check with the slightly derisive smile proper to her sex.

"Jessie Cameron singing his dirge," mumbled this provoking individual, with something about the form of his cheek that being taken by Rachel for a derisive smile, made her exclaim vehemently, "You do not mean to undervalue an action like that in comparison with mere animal pugnacity in an advance." "More than one's duty was your test," he said. "And was not this more than duty? Ah!

"I want you," she went on, "to tell me just how you begin studying law what text-books you get, and where you get them. I want you to come along and pick them out for me. You see, I've decided to study it myself." It was a fact that the half-back was enormously relieved. But it was a brutal derisive fact an unescapable one. He wasn't heart-broken over the dashing of a suddenly raised hope.

The Dacotahs retired to a short distance, and held a consultation, after which they galloped round and round us, shrieking and shouting, when one of them advanced somewhat nearer, and, in a derisive tone, told us that we were welcome to remain where we were, for escape was impossible, as they intended to keep near us, and that in a short time we should be starved to death, when they would have our scalps, and take possession of our goods.

After a moment the former speaker whispered, meditatively: "I'D have GIVE him the lemons if he'd asked me for 'em. Sick people need lemons." "Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't," Mr. Linton whispered, shortly. "Lemons is acid, and acid cuts phlegm." "Lemons ain't acid; they're alkali." This statement excited a derisive snort from Mr. Quirk. "Alkali! My God! Ever taste alkali?"

The brown uniformed figures moved like automata; the rifle shots rang out almost in one report.... There was a rush in the crowd towards doorways and side streets, an enquiring pause, the darting back of a number of individuals into the roadway and then a derisive shouting. Nobody had been hit. The soldiers had fired in the air. "But this is a stupid game," said Benham. "Why did they fire at all?"

She bent her head to one side, and a derisive smile lifted the corners of her lips. A dull red flooded the prisoner's cheeks. "I do not understand you." "You lie!" Fitzgerald stepped closer and his hands closed menacingly. "Thank you," said Maurice, "thank you. But why not complete the melodrama by striking, since you have doubled your fists?" Fitzgerald glared at him.

Instead, he smiled cynically and waited with his hand in the air, as bidden. Keller, coming forward with both eyes on his prisoner, slipped on a loose boulder that rolled beneath his foot, stumbled, and fell, almost at the feet of the cattleman. He got up as swiftly as a cat. Weaver and his derisive grin were in exactly the same position. Keller lowered his carbine instantly.