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"It seems to me that we are taking a liberty in discussing Miss Deringham's affairs," he said dryly. "Well," said Forel, with a little smile, "you have a good deal to tell me." Alton nodded. "I went back to the mine after Damer's death," he said. "Got there just before sun up, and we had our stakes in before Hallam's men quite realized what we were after.

The trout of British Columbia are also at least equal to those of England in their faculties of discrimination and observation, and during the listless autumn days Miss Deringham's angling had not been especially successful. Still, though she not infrequently returned with an empty basket, the girl apparently retained an enthusiasm for it she had not always displayed at home.

The girl was also very still, and a little flush of colour crept into Seaforth's face as he stooped above her and saw the clasped hands. "Thank God!" he said. Then he moved backwards on tiptoe towards Deringham's room, but apparently changed his intention, and presently knocked at the doctor's door. "Time's up, and I thought I'd better rouse you," he said.

There's nothing going to hurt him, but it wouldn't be wise to fool things, you understand?" He took up his hat as he spoke, and moved towards the door, while Deringham's eyes blazed when it closed behind him. "Damn him!" he said, almost choked with impotent fury, and then sat down limply with a face that grew suddenly blanched.

The man's handiwork spoke for him, and his energy and intentness had not escaped Deringham's attentions, while the occasional utterances that might have appeared bombastic coming from other men were redeemed in his case by the tone of naive sincerity and imperious ring. Deringham was becoming conscious of a vague respect for and fear of his companion.

There was so far as he could see no way out of the difficulty yet and the one that concerned himself was almost as formidable, for he knew Alice Deringham's pride, and the damning fact remained that he could not deny the whole story. He had flung himself back wearily in his chair when there was a step in the passage and a young man came in.

He'd had too much whisky." The girl appeared, so Seaforth fancied, curiously relieved. "I was almost afraid you might think I was in some respects to blame," she said. "No," said Alton simply, "That was one of the things I couldn't do. It was right out of the question." He went in, and the warm colour crept into Miss Deringham's face as she presently followed him.

"That is good brandy," he said. "You'd better sit down there quietly and have another. Here's The Colonist. They've got that fellow up at Slocane, but one feels sorry the boys didn't get hold of him. Hanging's not much use for that kind of man." Deringham's fingers trembled as he thrust the journal aside, but his voice was even. "The brandy is rather better than any I've had of late," he said.

She fancied he could be remorseless in a reckoning, and she had now and then of late had unpleasant suspicions respecting Deringham's intentions concerning him. Alton took up the paddle, and the pair found Deringham waiting them when they landed.

"Do you know I fancy that Alton of Somasco would with a little training make his mark at home," she said. "Has he mentioned any intention of returning with you?" Deringham's face grew a trifle sombre. "He has not. We will talk of something else," he said.