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Through the clamor the boys' quick ears could detect the clatter of an ominous number of hoofs. The other boys heard it, too, and were standing around, gun in hand, waiting developments. "Hullo, dere, de house!" came in a voice Si and Shorty dimly recognized having heard somewhere before. "Hullo, yourself," answered Shorty. "Who air yo?" "I'm Capt. Littles," came back above the noise of barking.

The stratagem proved successful; the strange sail could be seen through the night glasses, cracking on close to the wind, evidently under the impression that we had tacked. "Dere she goes, chasing de Gobel," said the Dutchman. She now burned a blue light, by which we saw she was a heavy cutter without doubt our old fellow cruiser the Spark. The Dutchman had come to the same conclusion.

Pedro tells me that when she got under sail she went west, but as it was just dark when she sailed, she may very well have turned as soon as she was hidden from sight and have gone east; and it seems to me likely that she would, in the first place, have made for one of the Virgin Islands." "It depends, sar, upon the trade that he wanted to do. Not much trade dere, sar.

"Who dere? Oh dear, oh dear! What de matter?" he moaned out. "How was it you let little Billy True Blue run away and nearly get killed, Sam?" asked Paul. "Billy killed! Oh dear, oh dear! Den kill me!" cried poor Sam, trembling all over. "But he isn't killed, and we don't want to kill you," answered Paul. "Get up, though, or we shall fancy you're in a fright or drunk."

The attempt was no sooner made than his son, Karak Bikram Sah, imagining that his father's life was at stake, rushed forward to save him, and seizing a kukri, had already dealt Bum Bahadoor a severe blow, when he was cut down by Dere Shum Shere Bahadoor, then a youth of sixteen or seventeen.

Old Peter was at Archie's shop one day, and they were talking about old times good old times for to old men old times are always good times, though history may tell another tale. "Yo' boss is a godsen' ter dis town," declared old Archie, "he sho' is. De w'ite folks says de young niggers is triflin' 'cause dey don' larn how to do nothin'. But what is dere fer 'em to do?

It isn't necessary for you to come. As long as Tom Swift is out there, I'll find him. Bless my horizontal rudder! I'm anxious to see what progress he's made. I'll find him, if he's about!" "Yes, sah, he's right in dere," spoke the colored man. "He's workin' on dat Dragon Fly of his." Eradicate did not always get his names right. "Mr.

Got a white man in dere now dat works in de lumber yard. Jes' come up an' see how I fixed it up." "And tell me about your sister is she better?" he continued. The old woman put her arms akimbo: "Lawd bress ye, Marse George! who done tol' ye dat fool lie! I ain't got no sister not yere!"

"So I will, den dere ain't no reason in getting all of a fluster. It ain't fitten for a lad as 'as faced death same's what you 'ave," said the voice. "I've made a liddle tunnel for 'e so I 'ave 'ere in dis 'ere corner you come caten wise crose the floor and you'll feel it. You crawl down it, and outside you be sure enough."

"Idt is steel walled, undt dere is a combination lock on der door. Even if dey should kill us all, dey still have a tough nut to crack." The German spoke calmly, and his blond features were absolutely unruffled. No emotion appeared either on the weathered countenances of Coyote Pete or Buck Bradley. The professor's face, though, was ashen, but he uttered never a word.