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"But you and I, Deerfoot, can never live to see that time, which is for those that come after us." "Yaw," said Otto, seeming to feel it his duty to say something; "dere is enough land over dere, I 'spose, for that horse to hide a week before I don't catch him."

Two incidents occurred on the way: "Postman," a pack-horse on crossing a deep narrow creek, fell and turned heels uppermost, where he lay kicking helplessly, unable to rise, until the pack was cut clear of him; and "Cerberus," another horse, not liking the companionship of the mule, took occasion in crossing another creek to kick his long-eared mate from the top to the bottom of it, to the intense amusement of the black-boys, who screamed "dere go poor fellow donkit" with great delight.

From the centre he hung down the huge mollusc, so that the smoke might circle round it. "Dere," he said, "dis now dry, and keep well till we want eat it." The success we had already met with in finding food raised our spirits; but I knew the risk we should run of losing our health if we could not obtain vegetables was very great.

"No fear ob dat, sar," answered Cupid with a grin. "I shall take care dat dem do not know I, Cupid, am anywhere near dem. Dem shall neber suspec' my presence, sar; but I shall be dere, all de same, and shall take partikler care to hear eberyt'ing dat dem say, so dat we may know exactly when to expec' dem.

Well, for sure, I ain't so old like what I'll look. But Old Man Savarin was old already. He's old, old, old, when he's only thirty; an' mean baptême! If de old Nick ain' got de hottest place for dat old stingy yes, for sure! "You'll see up dere where Frawce Seguin is scoop? Dat's the Laroque platform by right. Me, I was a Laroque.

It ist not ferry easy to explain it in a few vords, but der brincipal ding ist dat der vassal owes a serfice to hist lort. In de olten dimes dis serfice vast military, und dere ist someding of dat now. It ist de noples who owe der feudal serfice, brincipally, in mine coontry, and dey owes it to de kings and brinces." "And don't you call giving a chicken for rent feudal service, in Germany?"

Pegtop had come into the room, and while he was placing my clothes in order, I asked him "What this could be gout, think you, Massa Pegtop gout?" "Gote, massa gote no, no, him chiger, massa chiger little something like one flea; poke him head under de kin, dere lay egg; ah, great luxury to creole gentleman and lady, dat chiger; sweet pain, creole miss say nice for cratch him, him say."

To have heard them that night no one would have ever thought that they had lived for twelve mortal hours under a galling fire. They were laughing and joking over the events of the day, in the same manner they would have done had they been returning from a picnic. "'Golly, laughed a six-foot sergeant, 'dere was music in de air sho' nuff. Dat lead was flying around in sheets, I tell you.

Ah, if you had but a comely ouche at your t'roat, just dere," and Ivo laid a fat brown finger at the base of his own "your beauty would be perfect perfect!" "Lack-a-day, I would I had!" responded silly Kate; "but ouches and such be not for the likes of me." "How? Say no such a ting!

Den she say, 'Shell we go in de parlor? He say, 'No, dere's two doahs here, each end de hall, an' a chance ter go out de winders, too. I mus' keep open ebery line ob retreat. Are dere any Yanks in de house? She say, 'No, dat de Union cap'n very 'sid'rate.