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You are to tell me without making me promise anything." Leonore might deprecate a man's falling in love with her, but she had no objection to the power and perquisites it involved. "Then I shan't tell you," said Peter, making a tremendous rally. Leonore looked out from under her lashes to see just how much of Peter's sudden firmness was real and how much pretence.

I have seen possibilities which have enforced a humbleness that is not good for my happiness nor conducive to my development. Henceforward I will espouse the cause of vanity. It is only the vain who deprecate vanity in others. But there were times in the early period of my association with Victor Stott when I rebelled vigorously against his complacent assumption of my ignorance.

Here some of the newspapers urge Trochu to make a sortie, in order to prevent reinforcements being sent to Frederick Charles, others deprecate it as a useless waste of life. General Clément Thomas, who succeeded Tamisier about a month ago in the command of the National Guards, seems to be the right man in the right place.

Its existence is even made the matter of public comment on such occasions as the celebration of the landing of our Pilgrim Fathers, those bright exemplars of family religion. And grave divines and theological professors, in their addresses to the people, deprecate it as a growing evil of the times.

It can hardly be supposed that such a popular ferment as had been created in the country town, by the singular reports concerning Varney the Vampyre, should readily, and without abundant satisfaction, subside. An idea like that which had lent so powerful an impulse to the popular mind, was one far easier to set going than to deprecate or extinguish.

Yes, there stands Gregory Slyme, pale, breathless, and with one hand already uplifted, as though to deprecate censure, and to stay the order to "begone," that he plainly expects from every lip. "Why, he is here again!" cries Sir Christopher, now incensed beyond measure. "Even my niece's room is not safe from him."

So far as I know, they are very shy of pretension, and deprecate nothing more than the thought that anybody should take them for finished specimens of the work of Christianity in human life and character. A sermon upon any important subject is always a piece of unfinished work.

Resolved, That we deprecate an appeal to arms by any class of our fellow citizens, except in extreme cases, and we think that such a case has been presented in the late outrage at Cincinnati.

The 'he' in this case was, of course, the person who had shown discernment enough to address me as 'Mister Freydon. And, deprecate as I might, the thing had given me a thrill of deep and real satisfaction. Merely recalling the sound of it added to the exaltation of my mood, and to my obsession by the wonder, the romance of the various transitions of my life.

But it is human to tolerate in ourselves the failings which we so rightly deprecate in our inferiors. So strong was he in his self-assurance, that he made even his conscience his slave. Henry sometimes lacked regal taste. The night Anne Boleyn was executed he supped with Jane Seymour; they were betrothed the next morning, and married ten days later.