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"The rivers bring it down, and a most valuable oyster-fishery depends upon it." "Yes, that is so," conceded Frieda; and another international incident was closed.

It leaves a great metropolis, on which the welfare of the commercial business of the nation mainly depends, a foot-ball for ambitious or selfish politicians to play with. But as there are exceptions to all rules, so there may be to this still they should always be exceptions, and not claimed as a settled policy.

"So much depends," Ellison remarked, "upon the point of view. I am afraid that you are the last man in the world to have any sympathy with the decadent." "I do not properly understand the use of the word 'decadent," Matravers said. "But you need not be alarmed as to my attitude. Whatever my own gods may be, I am no slave to them.

I will only suggest that, as our young friend here depends on his violin for support, we ought to collect a little money for him. James Reynolds, suppose you pass around your hat for contributions. Let me suggest that you come to me first." The united offerings, though small individually, amounted to a dollar, which Phil pocketed with much satisfaction.

There is one more fresh responsibility acquired. It seems to me that everything depends on the princess," she said, merrily. "Not entirely," he said, quickly. "A great deal a very great deal depends on circumstances. For instance, when you were Miss Guggenslocker it wouldn't have been necessary for the man to be a prince, you know."

I wished to spare you anxiety, but you must understand that your safety depends upon your remaining in this house, and in keeping apart from all association with your husband." "You will find it difficult," she said, "to convince me of that." "On the contrary," he said, "I shall find it easy too easy, believe me. You will remember my finding you at the wine-shop of Emil Sachs?" "Yes!"

I hate bon-bons: do you like them?" "That depends upon the quality and flavor and perhaps somewhat upon who offers them. I never buy bon-bons for my private and personal pleasure. Do any of you fellows really care for bon-bons?" "That depends upon the kind of happiness we are in quest of; I mean the quality and flavor of the girl we are going to give them to." "Have girls a flavor?"

You must know that there is great odds in passengers; one set eating and jollifying, from the hour we sail till the hour we get in, while another takes the ocean as it might be sentimentally." "Sentimentally, sir! I s'pose those be they as uses the basins uncommon?" "That depends on the weather.

"Do you think the Indians will attack us again?" John Little asked Abe, when the caravan was set in motion. "They will, if they see a chance," Abe replied. "They have lost a lot of men, and will get vengeance if they can. It depends partly whether thar big chief was killed or not; if he war they may give it up now; they sees as we are strong and well-armed.

The part of the thong next the handle is plaited a little way down to stiffen it and give it a spring, on which much of its use depends; and that which composes the lash is chewed by the women to make it flexible in frosty weather.