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Four-fifths of our people are dependent upon agriculture, and agriculture has been for some time steadily deteriorating.

"The serving people, in some districts of country, are volunteers from all races; at the South, they consist of one inferior, dependent race, who for ages have been slaves in their own country, and would be such even now, if they were there.

Stanford Beale laughed a little bitterly. "Say, don't get up in the air, Mr. Kitson I'm only thinking of Miss Cresswell. A special licence in my name would stop one of van Heerden's paths to easy money. Tell me, and this is what I came to ask you, under Millinborn's will, does the husband benefit directly by the marriage, or is he dependent upon what his wife gives him?

The development of slavery in America resulted from the working of economic forces and not from climatic or geographic conditions. When the first twenty Africans reached Virginia in 1619, the colony was comprised of small plantations dependent on free white labor.

He drove over with some fine horses, and several cases and bags containing instruments and weapons for the fray. His sister came with him, who had forty thousand pounds, but, they said, in some mysterious manner dependent on his consent to her marriage; and it was added that Mr. Blenkinsop would not allow his sister to marry because he would miss her so much in his favorite pastime.

But it is the Christian's excellence to be diligent and watchful, to work and persevere, and yet to be in spirit dependent; to be willing to serve, and to rejoice in the permission to do so; to be content to view himself in a subordinate place; to love to sit in the dust.

Harrington never forgets what is due herself or others, James, whether they may be dependent or friends, the General said, in a more reproving tone than I ever before heard him employ towards his wife's son. "Again James' dark eyes flashed upon him that strange look of anger and defiance. "'May I see the letter, mother? he asked, quickly. "'Certainly, Mrs.

He wasted no time in vain regrets, but at once went to work. He was fifty-four years old, but he showed an energy and determination which more than rivaled the fire of his young manhood. The loss of his factory was not only a severe blow to him, but to the three hundred workmen who had been employed in it, and who were dependent upon their wages for their support.

Just so much respect as a woman derogates from her own sex, in whatever condition placed her handmaid, or dependent she deserves to have diminished from herself on that score; and probably will feel the diminution, when youth, and beauty, and advantages, not inseparable from sex, shall lose of their attraction.

Yet here was his chance, his great chance, to get back what he had and was in the old misspent days, with new purposes in life to follow and serve; and it was all in cruel danger of being swept away when almost within his grasp. If he could but achieve the big deal, he could return to wife and home, he could be master in his own house, not a dependent on his wife's bounty.