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She was not broken down on the contrary, she was calm stoically, tragically, pitiably calm; with that ghastly calmness which is more terrible by far than the most demonstrative grief. Her face, though deadly white, did not move a muscle. Not a tear was in her eyes. Even her bloodless hands hardly twitched at the folds of her hastily assumed black gown.

I had always supposed the audience assembled there at the conferring of degrees was a more demonstrative one than that at any other of the universities, and I did not wish to be forced into a retreat by calls for a speech, as I was at Cambridge, nor to repeat my somewhat irregular proceeding of addressing the audience, as at Edinburgh. But when I found that Mr.

Westgate was extremely spontaneous. She was very frank and demonstrative and appeared always while she looked at you delightedly with her beautiful young eyes to be making sudden confessions and concessions, after momentary hesitations. "We shall expect to see a great deal of you," she said to Lord Lambeth with a kind of joyous earnestness.

I shall continue to stand by the Union, and the South will raise the same cry after a few years more," said Christy, as Dave opened the door, and ushered the prisoner into the cabin. Father and son shook hands, but they were not so demonstrative as they might have been. Christy was not disposed to burden them with his presence, but he insisted that Dave should stay there during the interview.

There, now it is out, and I have never told anybody before but herself." Mrs. Yeobright was not demonstrative, but her eyes involuntarily glanced towards his singular though shapely figure. "Looks are not everything," said the reddleman, noticing the glance. "There's many a calling that don't bring in so much as mine, if it comes to money; and perhaps I am not so much worse off than Wildeve.

These Southerners are more demonstrative in their grief than the men of the North. I question if their sorrows spring from deeper depths, or are so lasting. The caretaker of the cemetery, an elderly Tipperary soldier, with a short dudheen in his mouth, was seated smoking on a head-stone by a goat-willow. We got into conversation.

Will any one blame him, if he felt little thankful? if the thought of the Thanksgiving turkey was like to choke him, and the very idea of giving thanks seemed to him a bitter satire? Poor fellow! he forgot that there were other hearts to whom Thanksgiving turkey seemed little tempting. The Cape folk are not demonstrative.

The study of Dr. Livingstone would not be complete if we did not take the religious side of his character into consideration. His religion is not of the theoretical kind, but it is a constant, earnest, sincere practice. It is neither demonstrative nor loud, but manifests itself in a quiet, practical way, and is always at work.

Now all is smooth, the estates will be united in their true head, and you you too, my child, will be provided for as suits your name. All that is needed is to soothe the little one, so as to hinder her from making an outcry and silence the maid; my child will do her best for her father's sake, and that of her family. Diane was less demonstrative than most of her countrywomen.

If Knowledge then is such as we have described it, the Knowledge produced by demonstrative reasoning must be drawn from premisses true and first, and incapable of syllogistic proof, and better known, and prior in order of time, and causes of the conclusion, for so the principles will be akin to the conclusion demonstrated. True, they must be, because it is impossible to know that which is not.